in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things
Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:11 am
Paul Downton (deleted)
Hi all , Would any body know of anywhere i could get a new or second hand Awning/gutter Rail for me 84 Pan Familia ? Any help would be much appreciated.
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things
Sun Apr 17, 2022 12:07 pm
• | 5.632 Posts
I've had Eriba caravans since 2002 and never seen any second hand gutter/awning rail advertised. Can you not re-use what you have as it is usually the seal behind it that needs replacing and not the rail itself.
Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol _ ex 430, 552, camplet trailer tent, 310, now a nice white 2017 430.
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things
Sun Apr 17, 2022 5:06 pm
Erik (deleted)
Without seeing the problem, I would be thinking about turning the rail around so the bad side is on the other side. cut the damaged area out and fit to the other side. hope this makes sense.