Pre-departure checklist for owners new (or not so new) to caravanning
Pre-departure checklist for owners new (or not so new) to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Wed Jun 29, 2022 10:16 amby Aaron Calder •

It has been some time since I last posted the checklist which newcomers to the site may find useful.
If we are being honest, I'm sure that most of us, even those with years of towing experience, will admit to having occasionally committed one or more of the cardinal sins of caravanning such as driving off with the corner steadies down, with the motor mover rollers still in contact with the tyres or with the jockey wheel unretracted. On occasions we've had 'owning up' threads on Eribafolk where members confess their cock-ups and it is always good to have it confirmed that I'm not the only idiot currently towing an Eriba.
So some years ago, I put together a checklist that I keep in a clear plastic folder in the caravan door pocket and glance through before we leave a site. This has saved us a lot of embarrassment and doubtless expense over the years so please feel free to download it and where necessary modify it to suit your own personal circumstances and equipment.
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Forum Administrator
2003 Triton 420 and Audi A4 2.0Tfsi S-line SE Cabriolet

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Wed Jun 29, 2022 8:16 pmby addisb •

Tis' a great list to quickly go through says he who was driving off with the step still down .. and the handbrake on on another occasion: on a manicured grass site

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Wed Jun 29, 2022 8:39 pmby eribaMotters •

I've managed at various times:-
- Handbrake on
- Step out
- Jockey wheel down
- Fridge not on catch
- Fridge not on 12v
- Cutlery drawer not locked
- Rear corner steady still down (big hammer needed to straighten that one out)
Would anybody else like to volunteer how thick they have been.
Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol _ ex 430, 552, camplet trailer tent, 310, now a nice white 2017 430.

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Wed Jun 29, 2022 8:44 pmby Steve and Debbie •

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Wed Jun 29, 2022 10:58 pmby Ralph79 •

Hitched up and pulled away with the jockey wheel still down.
Unhitched and drove away snapping the breakaway cable which was still attached..... no I have never done anything stupid....

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Jun 30, 2022 5:32 amby Frantone •

Eriba Troll 540GT. 2019. Our sixth Eriba! Loved them all.

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:39 amby cabbie37 •

Certainly mover not wound off the wheels.. (amongst others)
I took Aaron's list and re-jigged it for my own purposes and re-ordered it into exactly the steps I need to take and in which order they need to be done. I then got it laminated at a small cost (at Rymans, I think) and it lives in the door, ready to be consulted..

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:36 amby Julie Grafo •

So many -
Steadies down
Mover still connected
Roof still up
Cupboard doors not locked
Not all at the same time I hasten to add. On this trip toilet locker door open. Oh and we once left the mover control at home!
Julie & Neil. 2008 530GT pushing Honda CR-V 1.6 iDTEC SE+

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:55 amby Nick •

Having been warned to remove the slider from the Thetford cassette before tipping it over the drain I took due care last weekend and carefully placed it to one side. Tipped the cassette... and watched the little green filler extension slide off it and disappear down the hole...Duh!

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:56 pmby rambling robin (deleted)

Jockey wheel once April 2017 Norden Farm - then started using checklist!
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Rather genteel 2004 Troll 540GT called Matilda pushing a couple of old fogies.

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Jun 30, 2022 1:01 pmby Aaron Calder •

Over the years I reckon I've committed just about every sin possible but our most recent little faux pas was when we drove off with only two of the roof retaining catches fastened only to be flagged down well into our journey by a gang of frightening-looking motorcyclists.
How could this have happened while armed with a patent pending checklist you ask? Well, I did two catches and the fair Mrs Calder allegedly did the others.
That's my version but hers differs in one fundamental detail and I'm the dickhead.
I know better than to argue.
Forum Administrator
2003 Triton 420 and Audi A4 2.0Tfsi S-line SE Cabriolet

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:43 pmby Simboc2004 •

I have rejigged and tweaked your list, Aaron and printed it off today and laminated it. I always used to do this for myself in the dark, distant past, but have got forgetful in my old age, so thank you very much for doing the work and for giving me the little kick I needed to actually do it!
Off on Sunday for the first week of four planned over the summer, so will think of you every time I use the checklist. :-))
Athena, our 2005 Eriba 430GT, leading our Volvo V70 astray...

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Jun 30, 2022 10:36 pmby Aaron Calder •

Forum Administrator
2003 Triton 420 and Audi A4 2.0Tfsi S-line SE Cabriolet

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:23 pmby AlanC •

I did a similar thing.
Wheeled the cassette to the drain point and took the extension funnel off placing carefully on the retaining wall around the drain.
Emptied the cassette and reached for the hose to rinse it out only to flip the funnel down the drain!
Luckily they are easily replaced, so clearly not an uncommon event.
Liz and Alan
Troll 530 Touring 2015 now pushing a Honda CR-V

RE: Pre-departure checklist for owners new to caravanning
in Anything Eriba-related Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:16 pmby eribaMotters •

I cannot read the list as my tablet will not open it, but I've thought of another error I've made.
How about filling the onboard tank with 6 watering cans of water when it will only take 4. Then you realise the top is not screwed on and you have 4 gallons of water on the van floor.
Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol _ ex 430, 552, camplet trailer tent, 310, now a nice white 2017 430.

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