
RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:12 pm
by eribaMotters | 5.649 Posts

I am lead to believe, but stand to be corrected, that the C&MC are moving to a two peg system on pitches. You van is to line up with the gap between the two, and you go nose in our out at your choice.
The governing factor is the fire break distance rule. If the sites are running a two peg system then this would not be a problem.


Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol _ ex 430, 552, camplet trailer tent, 310, now a nice white 2017 430.

Last edited Sat Jul 02, 2022 8:19 pm | Scroll up


RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:31 pm
by Simboc2004 | 804 Posts

Shame last year's wardens at Exeter hadn't read the rules then. Will be passing by there on Tuesday, but not stopping! Will see how it goes at Modbury C&MC site. perhaps we can fit our Eriba at 90 degrees to the "normal" pitching direction, just to be difficult... I love motor movers for that freedom!

Athena, our 2005 Eriba 430GT, leading our Volvo V70 astray...
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RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Jul 02, 2022 6:57 pm
by Old Rocker | 539 Posts

To be fair the CMC say to check with site for arrival times, most are now 1.00pm arrivals rather than 12.00. The sites we have been to recently have all said park nose in or out and put car on the opposite side to any awning no problems. We are currently on the old CCC site at Corfe Castle now privately run by the same people, having finally picked up our new 530 from Leisure 1st, very French feel to the site, pitches seperated by hedges, park any way you want nose in or out sideways if you want, just a 20mins walk over the fields to Corfe and when you mosey down to Studland look over the water to see Aarons magnificent pad at Christchurch, that mansion we can see is yours isn't it Brian?

Troll 530, Volvo XC60 2,4 R design

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RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:07 pm
by Aaron Calder | 3.834 Posts

You'd need bloody good eyesight to see our modest place from Studland, Mick, but it's a lovely thought.

We're heading North tomorrow. Hope the weather improves.

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2003 Triton 420 and Audi A4 2.0Tfsi S-line SE Cabriolet
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RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:13 pm
by Stevejoyce (deleted)

We decided not to bother with club memberships any more. Only had C&CC before anyway but we prefer certificated sites to the full zoo and most take non members anyway. Currently on an independant site just north of Weston SM. We had the site almost to ourselves till today when the masses descended but we are off home tomorrow. Nice enough with good facilities but not much in the way of walks from the site. (Cypress Farm , Wick St Lawrence). Only a dozen or so pitches so not too busy. Interesting that they allow you 10KW per day electricity. If you go over that you pay the going rate. Oh and I know why there are not enough flights from the major airports, they are all leaving from Bristol!!!

Triton 420 towed by a Ford Kuga 2.0 TDCi

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Last edited Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:15 pm | Scroll up


RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:56 pm
by Old Rocker | 539 Posts

Should also have said the Wardens need a lunch break particularly on the 1 set of wardens site, usually those with no facilities. Our friends were wardens with CMC but have given up full time mainly due to the abuse they received from the members for in many cases simply following the rules. Another headache was the noise problem at night it appears that some mainly new members think it's OK to have drinks parties to gone midnight and get most upset when asked by the wardens to pack it in next day following complaints from other campers. The threat of eviction is their last resort and they have had had cause to use it and that it seems gets really nasty with police being called. They now do relief Wardens now usually once every 4 weeks and that they say is enough. It's no wonder that there are adverts calling for new wardens in the monthly magazine

Troll 530, Volvo XC60 2,4 R design

Yesterday is just a memory, tomorrow's never what it's supposed to be
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RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:18 am
by Randa france | 13.363 Posts

Has anyone noticed the new small notices in some of the C and MH toilet cubicles? It discusses the 1pm arrival time but has illustrations of several modes of camping vehicle including 5 types of caravan. ALL HAVE A DOOR ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE

ERIBAFOLK POP UP EVERYWHERE 1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match . FORUM ADMINISTRATOR

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Last edited Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:19 am | Scroll up


RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:13 pm
by Simboc2004 | 804 Posts

On our recent trip to Devon, staying on four different C&MC sites, I made a point of asking about nose in/ nose out and also arrival times. I found all the wardens to be completely reasonable people, mostly concerned to ensure the 6m gap between units was maintained. Thus we parked at most nose in to keep our door facing others back sides (sound strangely wrong...).

As to arrival times, they all said" please don't arrive before 1pm". If you do they will ask you to go way and come back later - quite reasonably in my view as they need time to clean/ mow/ prepare and ensure (particularly on some sites) that departing units don't meet incoming ones on narrow roads. OK that might be a pain if you are moving between nearby sites, but, as long as you are aware, just plan your journey to mean you arrive after 1pm. Our problem is usually to arrive before they close for the night!

Poppy, our 2005 Eriba 430GT, leading our Volvo V70 astray...
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RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:20 pm
by Simboc2004 | 804 Posts

Just seen in the latest (I think) C&MC club magazine that they have been trialling a 2 peg system on some sites and, due to overwhelmingly positive feedback, they will be rolling it out to all C&MC sites. You will now get two pegs and can pitch in any way you like as long as you don't have any of your unit outside the area marked by the pegs. See attached article from the magazine.

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Poppy, our 2005 Eriba 430GT, leading our Volvo V70 astray...
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RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:08 pm
by Old Rocker | 539 Posts

Not so sure about the last bit about pitching any way you want, I think that should be clarified on arrival with the warden before setting up.

2022 Troll 530, Volvo XC60 2,4 R design

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RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:11 pm
by Julie Grafo | 3.591 Posts

Still not enough room between the pegs to go sideways as we do on continental sites with nary a fire risk or even a raised eyebrow 😁

Julie & Neil. 2008 530GT pushing Honda CR-V 1.6 iDTEC SE+
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RE: Poor planning leads to particularly poor performance (or something like that.)

in Anything Eriba-related Sun Sep 11, 2022 1:30 pm
by mr_underhill (deleted)

One begs to differ ! [[File:57757185-415E-4284-A277-44E6A0DECA6F.jpeg|none|auto]]

We all have drawbars, it’s our body length that counts ! I should be able to park across and have a cm to spare, both ends !

Tardis II , Eriba Puck 1990 pushing a Fiat 500 Colour Therapy, Twin Air Turbo.
One man and his dog.. retired 🐶

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Last edited Sun Sep 11, 2022 1:32 pm | Scroll up

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