Reinstating 12v to lights
Reinstating 12v to lights
in Anything Eriba-related Tue May 02, 2023 11:49 amby Jimtipler (deleted)

When i bought this '83 Pan duo, the feed to the 12v/240v interior lights is nowhere to be seen. I suspect it's hidden under the lining somewhere. I'd really like to get the 12v lights working again (as well as the tap - although I'm fine to use a little rechargeable pump on that). There are wires going to each of the 12v terminals in both lights but no sign of them where a battery would be.
A question would be, are the two lights likely to be connected in series, in which case if I wired one would it power the other or would I need to run a separate feed to rear of the caravan? My preference would be to take a new line to the light above the galley rather than try and locate something beneath the lining.
Hope some of that makes sense!
Any advice gratefully received.
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RE: Reinstating 12v to lights
in Anything Eriba-related Tue May 02, 2023 3:22 pmby Steamdrivenandy •

AFAIK all the lights will be 12 volt and it looks as if you might have a van that has no facility for a battery but relies on a 240V hook up with a transformer that reduces the voltage to 12V. That means that without a hook up you have no lights and no water pumps.
If you want to get a battery based system installed, or indeed have the van checked over and plenty of advice on how to operate and care for it you've already been pointed towards Kool Classics who have decades of experience.
I had nothing to do on this hot afternoon
But to settle down and write you a line
Skoda Karoq 1.5 Petrol DSG and a 420. A Bailey Phoenix + 420, with oven, microwave, shower cubicle, solar panel, ATC and external gas point.

RE: Reinstating 12v to lights
in Anything Eriba-related Tue May 02, 2023 3:57 pmby Jimtipler (deleted)

Thanks so much for taking the trouble to reply. I'm fairly sure there is facility for a 12v battery but it was removed. I think a previous owner presumably only used hook up. As I said the 12v lights are wired in - dual purpose 240v and 12v units.
You're correct, Kool Classics are the people to talk to - they recently had a nightmarish job getting the gas fridge working for me but persevered, bless them! However I'm not up for a complete overhaul of the system just yet, I essentially just want some 12v lights working if i can :-)

RE: Reinstating 12v to lights
in Anything Eriba-related Tue May 02, 2023 4:27 pmby Steamdrivenandy •

The problem is that standard Eriba Touring spec didn't, maybe still doesn't, include the facility to fit a battery. That means that many, especially older vans, have had systems installed by a caravan workshops and DIYers with varying wiring, charger and control gear, so without fully eyeballing an installation it's v hard to advise. That's why I suggested KC who could look at what you have and advise what you need to do to achieve what you want.
I had nothing to do on this hot afternoon
But to settle down and write you a line
Skoda Karoq 1.5 Petrol DSG and a 420. A Bailey Phoenix + 420, with oven, microwave, shower cubicle, solar panel, ATC and external gas point.

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