in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here
Fri May 26, 2023 5:58 am
SuffolkCindy (deleted)
Hello, total newbie here and a solo owner/tower/camper so this should be fun. Having not towed a van for 35 years I picked up my Eriba 220 miles from home and then brought it back on my own round the M25 so I think we have 'bonded'
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here
Fri May 26, 2023 8:36 am
Randa france
• | 13.283 Posts
Hello Cindy and welcome to Eribafolk Is it an Eribelle that you now own or just the name you have picked for your van? The Eribelle models are lovely but you don't see many about.
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here
Fri May 26, 2023 9:23 am
Julie Grafo
• | 3.563 Posts
Very similar to our first towing experience, through the Dartford tunnel, lorries to the left and right of us. It’s all easier from now on, enjoy your lovely, new to you, Eriba.
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here
Fri May 26, 2023 12:15 pm
• | 1.206 Posts
Welcome to the Forum and enjoy your Eriba.
Our first pick-up of our Troll involved pulling out into a 3 lane road and then getting immediately onto the outside lane for an incredibly busy lunchtime roundabout. It was all a bit nerve wracking but we are still here to tell the tale seven years later.............................
in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here
Sun May 28, 2023 11:18 am
• | 1.206 Posts
Nice one Randa...........................................
Fear made me drive formula one fashion into the outside line and round the roundabout with Kath shouting rude things at me the only bit which wasn't am expletive was something to do with "towing brand new caravan" and "fool"
Still I am much older and a little wiser (perhaps) now.
Nothing it seems compared to your Italian roads this year....................!