Weather Strip.

Hi All,
I know this subject has previously been written about but I have a question.
I have just purchased the one that’s recommended in this forum and fitted it. Please see photo.
My question is, do you leave it in place on the van all the time and whilst towing or do you only attach it when you put the awning up?
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RE: Weather Strip.
in Anything Eriba-related Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:21 amby eribaMotters •

I have used all three of the versions available.
- The expensive and genuine Hymer/Eriba was easy to put on and take off so it came off when travelling.Excellent.
- The hideous Kampa version was used on the next van and that once on stayed on [until I returned my Kampa Pop Top version ] with a few dabs of sikaflex. I hated the thing for the trouble it gave me when installing it and the {repairable] damage it did to my awning gutter strip.
- Finally the Seals Direct rubber version. This was easy to put on and also came off for travelling.
Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol - oh dear me, I've gone to the darkish side and bought a Feeling after 4 Tourings

RE: Weather Strip.
in Anything Eriba-related Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:06 amby Simboc2004 •

I use the Seals Direct rubber version. It goes on and comes off easily and I remove it for travelling. The only problem is remembering to put it on before fitting the awning! I have found it is possible to fit it by accessing the awning rail through the triangular vent in the side of the pop top canvas...
I have a rail stopper to ensure I get my PopAir Pro in the right place, which also acts as a guide for fitting the rubber strip in the right place, first time.
Poppy, our 2005 Eriba 430GT, leading our Volvo V70 astray...

RE: Weather Strip.
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Jul 06, 2023 8:32 amby Poptop320 •

I have the seals direct awning strip, I take it off whilst travelling as it a lose fit and will probably come off.
When I go on holiday I like to pop my top!

RE: Weather Strip.
in Anything Eriba-related Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:59 amby Simboc2004 •

RE: Weather Strip.
in Anything Eriba-related Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:15 amby SOULBLUESMAN68 •

We use the Kampa one - we didn't know about the Seals Direct one at the time.
I found it a nightmare at first but then I learnt "the technique" and it goes on easily.
We leave it on for the season and then take it off every winter. Probably famous last word but it never budges when it is on.....!

So this weekend it poured with rain all day. We couldn't get the weather atrip on at all, so left it off. No water seemed to go anywhere it shouldn't, so now I'm wondering what weather stripe are actually for?

RE: Weather Strip.
in Anything Eriba-related Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:05 pmby eribaMotters •

RE: Weather Strip.
in Anything Eriba-related Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:50 amby eribaMotters •

The genuine Hymer is white. The horrible Kampa is white. The Seals Direct is black. http://www.sealsdirect.co.uk/shop/ets1395-20955 Seals Direct also have/had listings on e-bay where it may be cheaper to buy.
Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol - oh dear me, I've gone to the darkish side and bought a Feeling after 4 Tourings

Just been reading this thread as I’m purchasing the Kampa awning and now put off buying their own weather strip. I’ve got a 430 so if I bought from seals direct am I right in assuming I’ll need 4 metres?
Seat Ateca Triton 430 2023

RE: Weather Strip.
in Anything Eriba-related Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:48 amby eribaMotters •

You will need 4m as you have to buy in increments of a metre.
When I fitted mine I cut it so it ran about 100mm past the drain holes in the gutter. Other have cut it shorter though.
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Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol - oh dear me, I've gone to the darkish side and bought a Feeling after 4 Tourings

RE: Weather Strip.
in Anything Eriba-related Mon Jul 24, 2023 12:54 pmby Simboc2004 •

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