Locking yourself out
Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:41 amby eribaMotters •

I came across this by accident and mentioned it some time ago, but for those not in the know, you can lock yourself out very easily and I've done it.
On my 2017 van if the internal door handle was in the up position next to the red dot, ie you've caught it on the way out, then when you close the door it would lock and you would need your key to get back in. Some members tested their doors and found the same result.
I do not know if Hymer/Eriba have changed the lock design internals, but I just tried this on my 2022/23 Feeling and it is not possible to lock yourself out like this.
Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol - oh dear me, I've gone to the darkish side and bought a Feeling after 4 Tourings

RE: Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Tue Aug 01, 2023 4:51 pmby scouteralf •

happened to me twice, speaking to a dealer re the problem he said if you slam the door or a gust of wind blows it it will cause the internal locking lever to spring upwards and lock. had to get onto mine by using a piece of plastic strapping to release the kitchen window locks and then try and unhook the door handle.
at the time I only had one key, now I always have a key in my pocket when outside of our caravan.
troll 530GT pushing Kia sportage awd

RE: Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Tue Aug 01, 2023 5:32 pmby Poptop320 •

Is it the same lock Colin? Mine has locked itself the same as the previous poster. It was in the green position but when the door slammed shut it flicked it to the locked position (red) . It’s only done it the once but enough to cause me a great deal of anxiety to get back in
When I go on holiday I like to pop my top!

RE: Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Tue Aug 01, 2023 5:54 pmby eribaMotters •

Externally the lock/handle body looks the same as on my Triton, from the inside and the outside. On my Triton you could flip the internal handle upwards to the red position and close the door. You cannot physically close the door on my Feeling if the handle is in this position.
Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol - oh dear me, I've gone to the darkish side and bought a Feeling after 4 Tourings

RE: Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Tue Aug 01, 2023 8:05 pmby scouteralf •

RE: Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:29 pmby SOULBLUESMAN68 •

Following previous discussions on this and watching something on YouTube we had a third key made as an extra spare in Grantham this summer. (it cost me a £60 parking fine from a bandit parking firm but that is another issue).
When Kath and I talked about it we realised that we kept the spare set of caravan keys in the car dash but that we sometimes went out on a walk and left the car keys inside the door of the Troll. This was a recipe for disaster if we suffered the same accidental door locking as others. So we now have a third door key that is always kept outside the Troll when we are out of the van.
We may never need it but it will be worth the £12 cost if we ever do...........................!

RE: Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Aug 03, 2023 10:13 pmby Steve and Debbie •

We keep spare caravan key in car and spare car key in caravan. One spouse keeps other car key on their person, one spouse keeps other caravan key on their person. If one spouse gets lost, the other can still tow the caravan away.

RE: Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Thu Aug 03, 2023 10:21 pmby eribaMotters •

When out, each of us carries a car and a caravan key. The time we locked ourselves out was one evening on the campsite having an evening drink in a neighbours awning, a very common activity I would hope.
I entered the van through the under bed locker hatch as I'm still reasonably flexible. If I had been unable to do so then the hidden spare key would have been called upon.
It is very easy to secrete a spare key in a waterproof container or bag attached to somewhere on the chassis.
Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol - oh dear me, I've gone to the darkish side and bought a Feeling after 4 Tourings

RE: Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Fri Aug 04, 2023 3:21 pmby Simboc2004 •

Bit concerned to hear you can open the kitchen window latches using packing ties. I have already upgraded the new rear window latches to the lock button type and will now roll that out to all the windows, just in case. they're not cheap though...
People do say you shouldn't make it too hard to break in, or the thieves will do more damage, however some obviously don't know the packing tape method, as I saw a post on here the other day where thieves managed to bend the bottom cover of the door out at right angles, allowing them to release the lock...). Moral - just makes sure you hide all valuables (or put them in the car boot) when you got out, which might at least persuade them to move onto the next caravan...
Poppy, our 2005 Eriba 430GT, leading our Volvo V70 astray...

RE: Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Fri Aug 04, 2023 4:38 pmby Steve and Debbie •

Many years ago someone opened my car door using a screwdriver and couldn't open the door enough to get access to break my steering lock. Instead of opening the other door from inside they used a screwdriver on that as well. My moral being don't assume a thief will use the least destructive method of entry available.

RE: Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:41 pmby SOULBLUESMAN68 •

Of all the things above, horrible though they are, I am most shocked at Colin being able to get into his Triton through the under bed locker....................I have just looked at ours and could probably get my arm or a leg through but nothing else would be able to follow............................!
In my younger days I was an active pot holer and could easily squeeze through the tight "letter box" openings into tunnels but I think my third age girth would lead to any attempt to get in through the locker leading to a fire brigade call out................
I might start referring to Colin as Twiggy from here on in

RE: Locking yourself out
in Anything Eriba-related Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:59 pmby eribaMotters •

Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol - oh dear me, I've gone to the darkish side and bought a Feeling after 4 Tourings

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