in Making the most of that expensive pitch
Wed May 22, 2024 10:18 am
Mr A W Boxall
• | 34 Posts
We have just bought a Maypole universal canopy for puck, which works very well. Where the canopy is fixed to the gully, we do get a drop of water seeping through? Any ideas how to reduce the drips.
in Making the most of that expensive pitch
Wed May 22, 2024 10:44 am
• | 5.666 Posts
Tony, you will never eliminate this wicking effect where the absorbent material of the awning chord absorbs the water. On the Eriba it is exaggerated by the curved roof design throwing the water onto the canopy. A very good soaking of something like Fabsil will reduce this.
Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol - oh dear me, I've gone to the darkish side and bought a Feeling after 4 Tourings
in Making the most of that expensive pitch
Wed May 22, 2024 12:17 pm
• | 1.218 Posts
hi Tony
My experience of my various awnings leads me to agree with Colin that this light wicking / dribbling down the side of the van is a fairly regular occurrence in heavy rain. A waterproof spraying of the kedder can help a bit but not sure that it totally cures it.
The relative lightness of it doesn't really cause a problem. If it occasionally irritates me I just put the washing up bowl underneath where it runs off but there is very little water involved.
in Making the most of that expensive pitch
Wed May 22, 2024 5:48 pm
Mr A W Boxall
• | 34 Posts
Hi Mike, Thanks for your comment. We must expect a little water when we are in the caravan. The Maypole canopy is the best so far, including the original Puck canopy!!