in Making the most of that expensive pitch
Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:33 pm
• | 187 Posts
I can only comment on the Walker as we have one for our Troll. We found it very difficult to erect with the original aluminium poles so have purchased a fibreglass frame for a Soplair awning which fits straight in. In fact it fits better than the original frame with less roof sag although we have just experienced some water pooling on the roof even with extra roof poles. Looks wise I think the Walker is great though.
in Making the most of that expensive pitch
Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:09 am
Deeps (deleted)
And we have the Walker Touring Plus for use with our Triton 430 - original aluminium poles. A right handful to start off with and a steep learning curve but after 2-3 erections (well you know what I mean LOL) it's become easy peasy. No roof sagging or water pooling with ours but perhaps that's because it's attached to a different van than is the case with Martin - who knows. Quality and looks are excellent in my opinion.
2013 Triton 430, VW Touran TDI BM мы прибываем невидимые - we arrive invisible