winter cover
Well I'm sat here looking at the rain and hailstones bouncing of my Familia roof. I managed to wash and polish it yesterday and was going to cover it today. If it stops before it goes dark I will put it on as the cover I have got is ok to go on if the van is wet.
What have the rest of you done, is your cover on yet or do not bother with a cover or are you one of the winter touring hard-core?

RE: winter cover
in Anything Eriba-related Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:01 pmby Aaron Calder •

We'll be doing a trip to t'north to visit t'family sometime in t'winter but when t'van i'nt in use (spring, summer, autumn or winter) t'cover will be on to protect against UV light, tree sap and bird poo.
UV light causes deterioration of the fibreglass gel coat, makes the rubber trim in the side moulding go sticky, fades the red plastic on the Alko stabiliser & jockey wheel handle and also fades the upholstery.
Forum Administrator

RE: winter cover
in Anything Eriba-related Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:21 pmby Randa france •

Well ours has been tucked up for a month now but this year she's got a big butty to snuggle up to. That big 'ol Bailey doesn't 'arf help to keep the wind off.
Under-Cover.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
But she will have to be unpacked again unless I'm "lucky" with the weather and a huge snow storm prevents me from taking her out again later this year

RE: winter cover
in Anything Eriba-related Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:44 amby Randa france •

Two interesting points Mr Vendetta.
a) Protec Covers also make covers specific to Bailey Caravans as well and I presume other makes. It must be a nightmare for them to manage if you think of different models, different door positions etc. Also added to the mix, it would appear that if you buy a cover from them through Automotive Leisure then AL is named alongside Protec on the badge. If however you buy direct then it's just Protec on the badge.
It was a sod to fit this cover to the Bailey, even using the telescopic poles, because of the height of the van. A four person job whereas two of us can cover the Troll in about 5 minutes.
b) You and others have also mentioned UV damage to the GRP roof. Do you know if GRP is used on white boxes nowadays and if so, I dare say they also get the problem.

RE: winter cover
in Anything Eriba-related Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:37 amby Steamdrivenandy (deleted)

I had a Protec for the 540s. The door was in the correct place but the middle strap coincided with the wheel/axle. A few inches either way would have been much better.
The covers are another object that is almost impossible to fold back into their original tiny, neat shape.

RE: winter cover
in Anything Eriba-related Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:01 pmby Poptop320 •

I use a specialised, I had one for my old Puck and now for my Familia 320. You have to order via Leisure vehicles
Wrapped up for winter-400.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

RE: winter cover
in Anything Eriba-related Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:27 pmby Randa france •

I personally don't think they last longer than a generic cover Charlie. It would appear that whether it be a specially fitted cover or a generic cover, they are both made from the same "breathable" material.
The only advantage I can see with a tailor made cover is that it will have a doorway to allow access into the van without removing the cover.
.Also, probably because it's a tighter fit and will therefore have restricted movement, it is less likely to abrase the acrylic windows.
Against that, the generic cover will probably be long enough to reach the ground on an Eriba and therefore give more protection to the underside.
This is our fourth year with our Protec fitted cover and it's good for a few years yet. However, for the price we paid, we could have bought three generic covers by now.

RE: winter cover
in Anything Eriba-related Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:47 pmby Aaron Calder •

We've got a Protec, Charlie, and they are certainly not indestructible.
So far I've had to repair a few small tears caused by the tennis ball falling out of the chimney; contact with something (possibly a building contractor's barrow) and storm damage when I guyed the cover down.
My cover came with a generous supply of material for repairing it (you simply glue a patch on using Evo-stick or similar contact adhesive - dead easy.)
Having a door in the right place is a definite advantage as I often pop into the caravan just to check things over, carry out little maintenance jobs or get something I left inside after our last trip but now need. I'd hate to have to take the cover off to do this and probably end up saying, "Sod it!"
Cover1.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
Cover2.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
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