
Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:42 am
by Argie (deleted)

I bought a 'Twin Awning' from A/L at the same time as i purchased my new Troll 540.
I first used both of them in April but after just 4 weeks of use I noticed that some of the stitching had started to run loose and come undone on the awning.

This is in each corner where it attaches to the caravans rail and just above the draught strips - approx 4 stitches on each side had come undone.....

As this awning cost me a good wad of notes I am not a happy awning owner....

When I first noticed this I sent photos of the said problem in an email to Jason at A/L....
After a few days, as I hadn't had a reply I phoned him..... he apologised for not getting back to me etc....etc.....
He told me that he had sent the photos and my email on to the manufacturer and that he had not yet received a reply....

I first made A/L aware of this problem with the awning five weeks ago now....
Jason says that he agrees that the stitching shouldn't have failed so soon, but every time I phone him to chase this up he tells me that the manufacturers still have not replied.....

Has anyone else on the forum experienced a stitching failure similar to this with a 'Twin Awning' or indeed what appears to be pretty poor customer service on the part of A/L

"Tugging a Troll called Eva" with my Honda CRV 2.2L i-DTEC
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RE: Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:47 pm
by hampshireman (deleted)

Not with stitching, but only one case of the gradually decreasing customer service with AL. We bought our 2nd hand Puck L from them and it had an awning inside as part of the deal when they took it in.

We had a mover fitted by them earlier this year and tried it at their place before driving off. It worked fine parking the PuckL at home. a few weeks later when we wanted to leave for a site, it would not work and after several fiddles with batteires etc, it was OK. Then it woudn't work again when we got home.
I phoned Jason and after a long call, I agreed to send it to them.
He sent it back saying it's fine as he tested it and refused to reimpburse the hefty mail cost. It still didn't work and I phoned several times and he got quite stroppy saying user error many times and accusing me of saying he was lying.
Finally he gave me Reich's man in UK phone number and he was brilliant. He sent me another remote and it worked easiy and does every time. I sent the other crap one to him and all fine.
So I think Jason has too much on his hands to be honest and can't be bothered.

Frantone in here said he had the same probs with his remote.

Good luck

Puck 225L pushing CMax 1.9TDI Ghia
Pepe's Walk
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RE: Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:39 pm
by hob (deleted)

I think they are more interested in selling rather than aftersales I emailed about a new catch for one of my lockers and never even got a reply ..............Dom Fox gave me one during a recent visit.

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RE: Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:07 pm
by Ribski | 1.471 Posts

As I understand it it is the 'Retailer' who is responsible to you, the customer, to rectify the problem ! If they are awaiting 'help in the claim from the manufacturer' that's their problem ! Let AL sort their loss with the manufacturer and if the goods sold were not suitable AL must sort it out with you !

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RE: Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:32 pm
by Argie (deleted)

Thanks for the comments Guy's.....
So far it would seem that nobody else has experienced the stitching coming undone on their awning (Twin Awning supplied by A/L)....

Ribski..... you are absolutely correct of course......my purchase contract is with A/L and not with the manufacturer of the awning.
So far I have gone along with the heel dragging attempt by A/L at customer service, but do intend to up the anti later this week if nothing further develops.....

Knowing one's rights and getting the retailer to honour their responsibiities are two very different things......

I was hoping that the matter would be resolved in a pleasant way...that is becoming less likely as Jason at A/L continues to fob me off......

"Tugging a Troll called Eva" with my Honda CRV 2.2L i-DTEC
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RE: Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:03 am
by Argie (deleted)

Following on from my last post regarding the poor quality of stitching on my Twin Awning purchased from A/L.

It took six weeks but Jason finally came up with a set of options for me....

1) Return the awning to them and they will send it back to the manufacturers for repair/ re-stitching.
He did point out that as they shut down throughout late July / August there could be a delay in it being returned to me.

2) Have the awning repaired/ re-stitched locally and A/L will reimburse me the cost. (They in turn will be reimbursed by the manufacturer).

3) Either of the above can be done now..or left until the end of the season to be completed.

I will probably leave it until the end of the season rather than be without an awning for the summer....assuming of course that the stitching doesn't run too much further in that time...

It is a pity that it took A/L so long to come up with a set of solutions for me as it leaves a bit of a sour taste on the entire purchase of my new van...
However I am happy with what they have now offered me.

I think that half of the problem is that Jason is just far too busy. I think that the moment he puts the phone down he gets involved with his next task or sale and completely forgets the phone conversation that he has just had.....just my observation.
Every time I have visited the A/L premises he is always rushing around.....

Anyway I just thought that it was fair to report back on the final outcome.....

"Tugging a Troll called Eva" with my Honda CRV 2.2L i-DTEC
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RE: Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:36 pm
by Ribski | 1.471 Posts

Sounds reasonable - except for the delay ! Hopefully a happy ending :)

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RE: Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:17 pm
by victoriana (deleted)

just a word of caution from a keen machinest. If they sew through the holes it will be fine. But if they make another set of holes and leave the other ones without stitching. Then you will have leaking water problem ?
Just a thought. Unless the stitching was on inside anyway .

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RE: Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:51 pm
by campnsnooze (deleted)

Hi Argie. The following company near you should be able to help. They are off Alder Road in Branksome, behind McDonalds. We have had various work done by them and they are very good. Take the awning to show them and they usually repair within a couple of days. That way you won't be without for the summer.


These also do repairs.


good luck, Chris

Last edited Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:57 pm | Scroll up


RE: Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:54 pm
by Argie (deleted)

I will bear that in mind Victoriana...thanks.

Thanks for the information on suitable people to tackle the job .... However we are now on a long term/ full time tour and will not be back to Bournemouth...we left the area at the end of March and have been 'trolling' since then.
I can't believe that we have been on the road for three months...the time just seems to fly by.

We hope to be visiting my Daughter and family near Wimborne Sept/Oct before heading South to somewhere warmer for the winter...hence my decision to leave it till the end of the accepted UK season.....

"Tugging a Troll called Eva" with my Honda CRV 2.2L i-DTEC

Last edited Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:20 am | Scroll up


RE: Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:29 pm
by hampshireman (deleted)

Argie, that's exactly my view of Jason these days when we visit, thankfully once a year.

Puck 225L pushing CMax 1.9TDI Ghia
Pepe's Walk
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RE: Awning Stitching

in Making the most of that expensive pitch Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:45 pm
by Wordspace (deleted)

Just to be fair, I should say that we bought our Triton from AL last Autumn. Our dealing was entirely with Cameron, who could not have been more helpful. Nothing was too much trouble, except that I asked for a schedule of the work done in pre-sale preparation and this didn't materialise. Once again, I suspect it was a case of being too busy. My only contact with Jason came a few weeks later, on our first outing with Morrison. He answered my telephone questions immediately and clearly. I couldn't ask for more. (OK, a thousand pounds off the bill would have been nice, but we're satisfied with our deal even at AL's prices.)

Olivers Twists at http://martynoliver.wordpress.com/

Last edited Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:06 pm | Scroll up

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