in Anything that's not Eriba-related.
Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:30 pm
Eribanut (deleted)
Hiya all. for my musical pleasure we have a selection of opportunities to use ie MP3 player with mini speakers which normally sit on top of the wardrobe, Retro Bush Radio (you know the one I mean) and tablets, Netbooks that's about it. Now have all music on my smartphone so thought way to go might be use phone with blue tooth speaker (onward and upward as technophobe) Can anyone recommend a Bluetooth speaker that delivers good sound quality at not Bose prices?
Thank you
Sermo datur cunctis; animi sapientia paucis Tempus fugit; carpe diem
RE: Music is my first love........................
in Anything that's not Eriba-related.
Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:47 pm
• | 68 Posts
We have a Jam35 linked to ipad. Lots of choices to stream music and radio from around the world..the Jam35 has a good sound no doubt out of date now as it is a couple of years old, so lots of choice at Comet etc.
RE: Music is my first love........................
in Anything that's not Eriba-related.
Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:58 pm
Clippie (deleted)
I bought Blueyonder a Sony SRSBTX300 bluetooth speaker for the very reason of portability, links to our phones (via NFC), laptop and anything else that is bluetooth. Great for use in the Triton, or outdoors and I also use it in the kitchen at home. It has a rechargeable battery if you need it to be "off-grid". If you do run it (as I do) plugged in to the electric it will also charge your phone through a standard size USB socket and relevant cable. Good bit of kit. Also available via amazon ( Cambridge is also a good make and there are a lot of others on the market. I would suggest that you visit some where that will demonstrate the sound quality so that you can find the one that is best suited to your ear and wallet!