Battery saga:
1.Van bought with a flat car battery which left wires melted and fuse burned on first test.
2.Leisure battery purchased
Leisure battery worked for 24 hours but we drained it by not realising what plugging the fridge in would do to it!
We added a solar panel to try and get a bit more power for the rest of our weekend. This appeared to work initially but then no life at all.
3.Back home we looked at electrics. Had noticed before that the coloured wires were for some reason the wrong way round, but it came like this and we did a like for like swap.
Since the battery had had some solar charge whilst away, we assumed that it must have some charge and there was a bigger electrical issue.
4.We then put it wires back on with the colours connected correctly. Nothing!
5.A week later, we're looking again. Now rewired back the wrong way and for some reason is charging again!
All fuses are fine.
Not sure yet if this will actually power anything though.
Anybody else had similar issues?
We will very rarely use the battery but still want it to work!