Does anyone have any insight in "changing" the rubber seals at the top and middle railing? I have found seals and also tutorial on the window seals but these are at the top and middle of our Eriba? The rubber seals covering screw heads are totally worthless and hard from weathering and while I am at it I would like to replace all of them. Also,would you caulk the top of the top railing. It seems that it was once tarred...
I suppose that there are seals at the bottom of the camper, too, but I just didn't get that far, because I was so shocked by the state of the ones at the top!
A few pictures for clarification.
IMG_8356.JPG - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
IMG_8359.JPG - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
IMG_8360.JPG - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)