in Anything Eriba-related
Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:57 pm
Pauloswald (deleted)
The cover for our Troll (supplied by AL) is a tight fit and the only way I can connect the hook up plug is to undo the straps under the van. This is not good if it's windy and lot of faffing about, and the plastic lid ( cover ) is under strain. So I'm tempted to cut a flap out and line the edge with Velcro. Has anyone done this and can give advice ? Will the fabric fray or split in the corners ? Is there a cloth adhesive suitable?. I should have said in the beginning I want hook up while van is stored for winter to keep battery topped up and small frost heater going. Paul.
in Anything Eriba-related
Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:46 pm
• | 2.131 Posts
Good idea Roger, personally I take the battery out of the van and store it in the garage where I can top it up once a month. Last battery lasted five years like that, before it was sold along with my last van. If your van is near the house an extension cable could be slid under the cover through a window which is left on the second catch and a potable charger or small heater used I do this in the summer months.
My specialised is a snug fit however I do have enough room to have the EHU connected, I have made an edging out of pipe insulation to go around the edge of plastic cover otherwise it would rub a hole in the cover.
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