For anyone new to this place, please avail yourself of the site's search facility before asking even a vaguely technical question.
It's up there at the top, and says 'search' on the button and everything.
It's not a case of wanting to deter people from posting. Far from it, in fact - it's just that over the time it's been in existence, this forum has answered a heck of a lot of people's queries, and all of that information is right there in the search box.
Using it may well save you the effort of composing a particularly complicated post, and it'll certainly save you from a barrage of replies saying 'use the search box' or referring you to a section of the site which already exists.
Just bung a handful of key words in there and that's it.
If you find that it hasn't been covered before, then please go ahead and post. We're constantly striving to add to the well of human knowledge
And one other thing. If you can't find any help in the site's archive and are able to add a photograph of your troublesome item to your post, please do.
It's massively useful to those keen to help.
There have been so many manifestations of these vans (and particularly their equipment) over the years that you can't assume everyone else's thing has bent in exactly the same way as yours.