these points were not designed as jacking points, but many of us have used them in an emergency.
A VW camper, Blistein or Mexico/Brazil side lift jack will fit, but the arm may need extending to give a more positive and safer fit. JustKampers sometimes have them in new, imported from South America.
A better alternative is a small trolley jack, something you could easily carry if using the panel van in your picture to tow with.
A Land Rover/Coram bottle jack is what I know carry. These are short and squat. They have a good footprint and a double barrel arrangement lift. They are unusual in that they will fit under the axle, [best place to lift by] unlike many bottle jacks. They also have a U shaped cradle top. Unfortunately they are about £150 new, so use your best friends e-bay, gumtree and preloved. You should be able to pick a good one up fro about £35 if you are persistent. Make sure it comes with the handle though.