in Anything that's not Eriba-related.
Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:29 am
steamdrivenandy (deleted)
Every Christmas my family play 'Dad Buckaroo' on me.
The idea is to place things on my person without waking me. The larger and heavier the item placed the more prestige achieved. This normally takes place after Christmas lunch when Morpheus beckons. Whilst playing the contestants take pictures of a recumbent me and post them on Facebook or Instawhatever.
Last year I was more abstemious than usual and didn't fall asleep in the afternoon, my daughter and grandson were totally disappointed that they missed out on their annual sport.
Maybe 'Eriba Buckaroo' could be a new version.
'Well the rain came, I thought you'd leave 'Cos I knew how much you loved the sun. But you chose to stay, stay and keep me warm Through the darkest nights I've ever known'.