in Anything Eriba-related
Thu May 09, 2019 9:27 am
Clippie (deleted)
I don't know what it is about me and the gas locker door locks! Some of you will remember when Blueyonder and I did our 4-month tour of Spain and Portugal about 4 years ago we had one of the gas locker door locks brake on us and we had to get one shipped by AL to our daughter to bring out when she came to have a few days with us.
Well we are currently at South Lychett in preparation for 08:30 ferry tomorrow morning (Friday) for Poole to Cherbourg. Tuesday we had been to AL for the must-have water ingress test on out 535 prior to our departure. Last night whilst getting something from the gas locker, guess what. The b***dy right-hand door lock popped clean off! The internal spring projecting out.
You might well remember our previous encounter resulted in the gas locker having to be eventually replaced by AL (under warranty ) because of an infestation of mushrooms growing out of the replaces lock surround!
Anyway a quick call to Paul at AL and we are off there today to get a new lock to fit. This time I have taped up the whole so hopefully no change of spores of any kind getting in and growing!
Good job it happened prior to us getting the ferry!
Gofer for |Troll 535 GT & Landrover Discovery Sport.
in Anything Eriba-related
Thu May 09, 2019 10:30 am
• | 5.631 Posts
I had two go, I think, on my new Troll back in 2007 within the first year. Both replaced under warranty from supplying dealer in Belgium. I had to then swap over the barrels so key fitted. How much is a spare assembly I wonder.
Audi A3 1.5 petrol _ ex 430, 552, camplet trailer tent, 310, now a nice white 2017 430.