
RE: Road Breakdown Services.

in We've got it down to a T Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:34 pm
by RichL (deleted)

We were with AA for years and each year they would increase our premiums by a huge amount so we called them up and they usually got back to the original premium. Eventually we got bored of this silly game and just moved to the RAC. Called out the AA on a number of occasions over the years and always found them to show up quickly and do a good job! We tend to have old battered cars as I cannot get my head around spending lots on an asset that depreciates!

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RE: Road Breakdown Services.

in We've got it down to a T Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:12 pm
by Eribanut | 2.026 Posts

We have Green Flag Euro Plus which on renewal this year was quoted as about £87. I went online and filled out the form to be quoted £65. I therefore cancelled my renewal and signed up for £65/year.
Had to use them once while abroad (France) when I locked my keys in boot of my car!!!! Called the number explained the problem and in an hour they were at campsite. Guy didn't speak english, my french is for ordering bread only but he had been briefed of the situation so started to work. Put a rubber bladder into the drivers door and pumped it up door opened enough for him to get to the internal lock and open the door. Alarms went off but he released bonnet and disconnected battery.He then dismantled the rear seats to gain access to the boot (saloon Jaguar S series) discovered he needed special tool to remove seats so indicated he would go and get them. This was on a Friday evening about 6:00 pm. about an hour later he returned and upon removing rear seat climbed through this little hole into the boot space. Would point out he was a diminutive guy weighing 50 kilos when wet! well he disappeared into boot no torch and boot full of stuff we had just thrown into it. about 2 mins later voila boot lid sprung open and smiling guy climbed out and handed over keys.
Have stayed with Greenflag since even though have to renegotiate price as you do with any insurance.

Sermo datur cunctis; animi sapientia paucis
Tempus fugit; carpe diem
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RE: Road Breakdown Services.

in We've got it down to a T Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:40 pm
by mr_underhill | 688 Posts

I was reading this post and suddenly I couldn't remember if I had redone my car insurance !!! Well, to compress the story, I was and found that I am also covered for caravan recovery with Direct Line. Phew !

Tardis II , Eriba Puck 1990 pushing a Fiat 500 Colour Therapy, Twin Air Turbo.
One man and his dog.. retired 🐶
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RE: Road Breakdown Services.

in We've got it down to a T Sun Feb 16, 2020 1:23 pm
by Big Al | 230 Posts

Well, you did ask...

In recent times I have been with AXA Assistance, originally via a 3rd party who discounted the policy.

Premiums that I can find:
2014 £66.00
2015 £67.95
2016 £... (A)&(B)*
2017 £66.95
2018 £78.40
2019 £124.99
2020 £84.00

All the above are for UK & European cover. I have been told caravans and trailers are covered and will be recovered if attached to the car. I have not needed to test this yet but in 2016 I tested the policy to the limit with just my car...

(A) June 2016, I took friends down to Paris and when I returned via the tunnel I hit a 2-hour delay just getting into the passport checking area. The UEFA Euro's were on and Turkey v Croatia had been played in Paris. The sheer volume of Croatia fans returning to the UK overloaded the controls. It also overloaded my engine. It failed between the passport control and train but started again so I was allowed on. Getting off in Folkestone went OK until I hit the ramp. Then it died. I was towed to the petrol station just by the exit where I waited for 3-hours for AXA to respond (I listened to the England match on the radio). The delay was due to the lack of communication between them and the 3rd agent, who hadn't listed me on the system. They did attend but I managed to limp home with an escort for 1/2 the journey. I was given a £30 refund by AXA because of the delay.

(B) October 2016, A visit to The Somme ended with my alternator dying on my last full day. AXA sent out a recovery vehicle and my B&B host rescued me. Contact with the AXA's European wing was not bad but events showed they were not 100% on the ball. This cost them. The next day the vehicle was taken from the 1st Kia garage to another where the specialist mechanic was on holiday! I was authorised to stay an extra night at my B&B. The following day it became apparent the car was not going to be fixed straight away so arrangements were made to get me home. Later when I was told the cost of repairs (just to fit an alternator) I said they were overcharging and demanded the car brought back to the UK. This they did! Below is the known cost to AXA:

Extra accommodation (2 rooms full board) & Ferry tickets £240
Taxi from The Somme to Calais €390
Recovery of Car to UK £699
Rescue from breakdown to 1st then 2nd garage U/K
Car hire one way Dover to London U/K

I paid £130 for a new alternator to be fitted in the UK.

As I see it I'm still £s in on using AXA and with the reduction in premium this year I'm happy to keep with them. Like many breakdown companies these days they use local agents. Most just go for recovery because drivers are cheaper to employ than mechanics. My own experience in the past with the AA & RAC this has also been the case. Many times it's the luck of the draw as to whether or not the person who turns up will ask where the ECU socket is on Morris Minor is!

1997 Puck pushing a 1970 Morris Minor Traveller, sometimes a Pug 3008
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RE: Road Breakdown Services.

in We've got it down to a T Mon Feb 17, 2020 7:12 pm
by Old Rocker | 536 Posts

I have been using Mayday for many years now, having had a "slight problem" last September I can't speak highly enough about the service I received. Travelling abroad I always take out Red Pennant

Troll 530, Volvo XC60 2,4 R design

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RE: Road Breakdown Services.

in We've got it down to a T Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:45 pm
by rutts | 81 Posts

We were with BMW Emergency Service for 45yrs & know only too well how very good they were,especially when needed on the continent(twice).We now are with Skoda Roadside Assistance(AA) but have had no need to use them.They did say they would recover a caravan if the tow vehicle was not useable.The last time we had need of the BMW service was about 4yrs ago,in Italy,when they supplied a car for 14 days & 5 star spa hotel .We had to pay for alcohol,altho the hotel did lay on a bottle of bubbly for my birthday!which I thought was a nice touch.Dave

Skoda Superb 1.8TSI assisting a 2002 420GT
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