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somebody should be able to advise on exact size. It will be about 4.1m, which is annoying as you sometimes have to buy runners cut to length in metre increments. You could consider this stuff:- Werbung: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/123260947444?...Campid%3APL_CLK
Hope the link works. It is a rubber type matting that we bought in grey for our Triton last year. We have used something similar for a few years and it's wonderful stuff. Lightweight and warm underfoot. Grit drops through it and very few days we just roll it up and sweep the floor. At end of season we soak in a bucket of soapy water, rinse the next day and leave to dry. The "genuine
/original" material can be found in some camping shops but we have found the e-bay one above is tougher with a slight material weave giving strength on the underside.