

in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:44 pm
by Pepé Le Pew | 2.758 Posts

Quote: Randa france wrote in post #14
On UK roads I totally agree with you Pete. I will always give them a wide berth. The speed limit in the UK allows you to do that (lorries 57mph, caravans 60 mph). That's a bit of a joke however nowadays. In most European countries caravans are limited to 50 mph whereas lorries are allowed to do 57mph.

Far bigger roads in Europe to accommodate far fewer lorries that the UK (except perhaps Northern Italy) so generally lots more space between them. Find a large space and click cruise control to match the lorries and it makes driving far easier. Yes, you will be exceeding the speed limit for trailers but it's far safer that way.
As I said before, I bow to your much greater experience of towing abroad.

But you did say all countries, init?

It's almost certainly just me, but I can probably count the number of times that I've used the cruise control in our past three cars on the fingers of two hands, tops. And that takes me all the way back to 2004.

I've certainly never used it in the past five years on this car and the A3 we had before.

I don't like it particularly. It's not that I think there's any witchcraft involved, or that I'm a technophobe. I don't care for it's inability to modulate speed with anything like the degree of subtlety you possess in that thing at the end of your right leg.

I have used it a lot in the States, but even then it was only to climb into the back to make a cup of tea or have a sarnie.

It isn't as economical as doing it yourself, not least because it insists on using far more throttle than I would to resume a previously set speed and that it cannot anticipate the topography of a road, particularly when going uphill.

And while I'm on the subject of cruise control, whenever I hear about people who use it at slower than main road speeds - say thirty or even forty miles an hour - my skin goes cold. I genuinely don't think cruise control is safe at those kind of low speeds.

I remember seeing a video somewhere of some bloke - it might even have been Farmer Clarkson - attempting a traffic cone slalom at a very modest speed using just cruise control. There were cones everywhere.

Having the car determine your speed for you irrespective of the conditions (and I'm deliberately excluding the relatively new radar-based systems which follow the vehicle in front at a pre-set distance and continually adjust that distance) isn't for me.


Grumpy Old Fart


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in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:46 pm
by Julie Grafo | 3.589 Posts

Love driving in France on a Sunday 😁

Julie & Neil. 2008 530GT pushing Honda CR-V 1.6 iDTEC SE+
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in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:14 pm
by Randa france | 13.355 Posts

Again and as you say with your experience of the big roads in the USA, when travelling in Europe you can use it regularly. We set it to match the lorry way behind and the lorry way in front. The car is powerful enough to accelerate beyond the setting when necessary to overtake so it makes life easier. Then after you've made your move, foot off the gas and it settles back down to 57mph. If I didn't have it I wouldn't be bothered but in an older car it's a case of use it or lose it.

What I do like about many of the European roads, especially in Germany, is the fact that lorries are often banished to what we call the slow lane. Therefore and because of the mountains, they all SHOULD slow down to the pace of the slowest lorry on the road so we can often cruise in the middle lane. Not so good on a two lane motorway though.

As others have said, we love driving in Europe. Driving in the UK is crazy.


ERIBAFOLK POP UP EVERYWHERE 1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match
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in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Thu Oct 28, 2021 8:22 am
by GCL | 130 Posts

The issue of speed is also deeply felt in Italy. If you notice, no truck keeps the limit but they are around 90 km / h. What angers me most is that once they cross the Alps, they all become obedient. On the contrary, we see many cars, with or without caravans (even of considerable size), running well above our limits as soon as we cross our border. Our rulers are considering an increase in the limit, for caravans, on the motorways, but it is not yet known whether to adopt the French or German model. In my opinion this will lead to a reduction of the inconveniences caused by the columns of the trucks, allowing us a more rapid disengagement. Another thing, in my opinion, is the increase in attention that now leads to monotony, if in columns.

Land Rover Discovery3, 2003 Eriba Triton 430
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in Hi. Please take a couple of minutes to say hello here Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:35 am
by Islay Corbel (deleted)

We aim to travel on Sundays for that reason.

Betty, 1998 Triton 430 and Colin, a Renault Mégane.
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