I have had a problem in sourcing a replacement lock for my Familia because the door is thicker than the standard locks for sale and almost no one seemed interested in obtaining one for a 31mm thick door with a 10mm spacer under the inner lock. I finally made my own strike plate (see pic) that fits10mm closer to the door so I could remove the 10mm spacer under the inner handle allowing a standard lock to be fitted across a 31mm gap. (The darker strike plate is the one I made and before deburring20211116_102908.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte) and painting). This design meant that the latch would not quite extend fully so I filed off 2mm from the latch point so that
the latch would then extend fully and allow locking. This fix has saved me £85 by buying a standard lock. I would like to thank Grant Finlay from Knowe Park Caravans who went totally out of his way to help me and then Claire from Kool Classics.