in Anything Eriba-related
Mon Jun 20, 2022 2:32 pm
johncrtn (deleted)
Following on from my question about chassis access I found that MPH in Congleton were no longer taking in Eribas to work on and I wasn't sure of anyone else close to me would take on the repair work so I've decided(forced into) attacking the job myself. Sure to have questions here. Already taken out front section cupboards etc and panelling (Triton 430GT). Removed polystyrene insulation. Now working on the gas bottle enclosure which seems a bit awkward to remove. Trying to pluck up the courage to start drilling out the pop rivets! Seems like I will need to remove outer lower skin so that a welder can get at all sides of the frame underneath, is this correct anyone know? Questions 1. What is the floor made of? 2. In case I run out of steam (or courage) does anyone know another business that would take on the rebuild? 3. Any step by step guide to removing the front outer skin?
Thanks. Might provide updates depending on how it goes!
in Anything Eriba-related
Mon Jun 20, 2022 2:50 pm
• | 5.648 Posts
John, I'm sure somebody can/will be able to offer specific guidance. All I know is the floor should be a sandwich construction, I believe 2 sheets 6mm plywood with 24mm polystyrene. Best of luck with your efforts and please take lots of photos.
Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol _ ex 430, 552, camplet trailer tent, 310, now a nice white 2017 430.