Anna L Aston-Clarke posted on Eribafolk facebook today:-
So - the middle burner on my hob has never worked since I owned Buttercup - it lit, it just wouldn't stay on. The right hand side one packed up a couple of weeks ago (same thing) and the left hand side was the only one remaining. Yikes! Did lots of swotting up about thermocouples etc. Then fished out the manual where it mentioned (in teeny writing) that the gap between the thermocouple and the top plate must be at a particular distance with only a small tolerance. Well blow me down if a little adjustment with some pliers hasn't sorted it. I have 3 burners for the first time and I didn't need to dis-assemble a thing! Whoop whoop! Y'all probably know this but I just wanted to share in case there was anyone else out there (like me) who wasn't aware.