Adding a water Supply
Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 09, 2022 8:26 amby Digby (deleted)

After our first shakedown trip in the Triton 420 one thing we noticed was the 12L under sink water tank is not big enough for family needs.
Met another Eriba user on site who had an aquaroll attached to an external socket on the body of his Triton. He said it worked really well.
As he was in the process of leaving the site I did not get the opportunity to investigate thoroughly so I am now looking for a 'HowTo' guide for plumbing an Aquaroll into a Triton water system.
Thought I'd found all the info at another Eriba forum (https://www.eribaforum.co.uk/eriba%20amiga/) but unfortunately their site is poorly maintained and the accompanying instructions are lacking the illustrations and diagrams (https://www.eribaforum.co.uk/eriba%20ami...ct_water_2.html)
Seems that the original author of this very informative post has since died, so my chances of getting any further info is slim.
Sure there must be many others who have gone this route and may have produced a helpful guide and parts list ??

RE: Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 09, 2022 8:58 amby eribaMotters •

Digby, the author, Rob Jax passed away I think about 12 years ago. He was the driving force behind Eriba interest in the UK. The Amiga forum went on to become the Eriba Forum. After political reasons you know find yourself on this one.
Back to the point, if you want or need lots of water you have two options, Aquaroll or onboard tank. Unless you own a big white box, shower in the van, have the additional hook up to a tap via the roll and are on a serviced pitch, then I cannot understand this route. We are of the one large 35/50L onboard tank preference. This does take up some underbed space but we have never found storage space lacking so this has not been an issue. The volume will last a weekend, water stays cool in summer, cannot freeze up in winter and you do not have the issue of carrying a dirty roll between sites.
Fiamma do a model that suits, but Cattanks come up trumps. If given notice they used to offer a service where you could customise the tank of your choice off the shelf where they would plastic weld the fitting points where you wanted. Leisureshop Direct sell the pipes and fittings along with the hot water heater you may like to fit.
If your van already has hot/cold tap you can do a retro fit for about £500 including heater.
Forum Moderator. aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol _ ex 430, 552, camplet trailer tent, 310, now a nice white 2017 430.

RE: Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 09, 2022 9:47 amby Pepé Le Pew •

Quote: eribaMotters wrote in post #2I wouldn't be so dogmatic as to say I couldn't understand the route you chose to take, because I can.
Back to the point, if you want or need lots of water you have two options, Aquaroll or onboard tank. Unless you own a big white box, shower in the van, have the additional hook up to a tap via the roll and are on a serviced pitch, then I cannot understand this route. We are of the one large 35/50L onboard tank preference. This does take up some underbed space but we have never found storage space lacking so this has not been an issue. The volume will last a weekend, water stays cool in summer, cannot freeze up in winter and you do not have the issue of carrying a dirty roll between sites.
Our Troll came with an Aquaroll, and while we don't spend weeks in places that are either very hot or (much less likely) very, very cold, it's never crossed my mind that our jolly holidays would be much more enjoyable if we ditched it and spent a lot more money in getting an internal tank fitted.
Why couldn't you use an insulated cover (a reflective job) if you were somewhere blisteringly hot or extremely taters?
And doesn't it get hot inside a caravan anyway? There's no air circulation round an onboard tank like there is round one outside, especially if it's in the shade.
Disinfecting an Aquaroll is dead easy - half fill it with a water and Milton solution or whatever, roll it round a bit to clean the nooks and crannies, hook it up and pump the solution through the plumbing and then repeat with clean water.
Piece of cake.
And carrying a dirty container between sites really isn't an issue, as you know. Not if you rinse the grass clippings off and put it in a bag before you go.
Can't say I've noticed too many people on here who have one system and bitterly regret not having the other.
Chacun à son goût.

RE: Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 09, 2022 10:49 amby eribaMotters •

RE: Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 09, 2022 11:07 amby Pepé Le Pew •

Quote: eribaMotters wrote in post #4Nope, you didn't.
I have not said the roll route is right or wrong
But you did say you couldn't understand it, which is nearly the same thing.
I'm just offering a different slant on it, that's all.
Nothing further, M'lud.

RE: Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:10 pmby Digby (deleted)

Well the Aquaroll vs on board tank discussion is no longer relevant as Mrs B has gone and ordered an Aquaroll !
So the original question remains: what is the best way to connect it to the on board plumbing ?
The guy I met briefly had a port fixed to the side of the Eriba and a pipe (& pump) that dropped down into the Aquaroll.
(He said it worked perfectly for him as when travelling the Roller and Waste tank lived in the shower space.)
The project section of Eriba Amiga was stuffed with useful info and the now sadly deceased Rob Jax had lots of good info.
Another thing he mentioned was putting an electrical relay on the taps micro switches. Interesting thought.
But, at this stage I just need to get the, soon to arrive, Aquaroll plumbed into my taps and would appreciate any further info / diagrams/ parts lists and suppliers

RE: Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:21 pmby eribaMotters •

RE: Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:14 pmby rs540 •

Quote: Digby wrote in post #6
Another thing he mentioned was putting an electrical relay on the taps micro switches. Interesting thought.
I installed an automotive relay in front of the pump as it does tend to hammer the microswitch contacts with relatively high current.
While I was at it I also installed a float switch at the onboard tank so that the pump stops when the tank is empty.
Float switch.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

RE: Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 09, 2022 3:16 pmby Steamdrivenandy •

One thing I've discovered whilst re-equipping us ready for the new van, is that there are lots of people selling used Aquarolls and Wastemasters at about 50% of the new price.
It can be sad buying such used stuff. During the weekend I bought a noseweight gauge from a lady whose husband passed away last autumn and she's getting rid of caravan gear assembled over decades. She told me she misses caravanning desperately and has even pondered buying a tiny van that she might manage on her own.
A few hours later I collected an awning from a couple where the man had a stroke just before Christmas. When he came home he couldn't walk or speak. He's walking now with the aid of crutches and we had good conversations about caravanning items, but his wife was definitely in charge and obviously under substantial stress.
Such incidents make you think.
I had nothing to do on this hot afternoon
But to settle down and write you a line
Skoda Karoq 1.5 Petrol DSG

RE: Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 09, 2022 7:32 pmby Simboc2004 •

I have had three Tritons now, ranging from 1999 to 2005. The first had an onboard tank under the seats, the second had two water containers (one under the kitchen sink and one under the bathroom sink) and our latest one has an Aquaroll. I much, much prefer the latter for its freeing up of onboard storage space. I have changed the older Aquaroll it came with for a newer one (40litres rather than 29litres - it also has more (and larger) access ports), because the original was marginal on supplying us with enough water for a weekend away. You just plug in the Whale pump and drop it in the tank. So easy. I will go and have a look at my van tomorrow (it's in storage) and work out how the installation was done, if that's helpful.
Athena, our 2005 Eriba 430GT, leading our Volvo V70 astray...

RE: Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Fri Jun 10, 2022 8:39 amby Ray Lawrence •

I have an external water point, fed by an aquaroll and external pump in my 2007 Triton.
The installation is relatively simple but does require cutting through the van's wall which could create a damp problem if not carried out properly.
In mine, the water inlet comes through the wall in to the cupboard under the sink in the washroom, thus hiding it from view. The existing power supply to the tap will need to be diverted to the pump contacts in the new water outlet.
The water hose is then fed directly to the washroom tap with a tee to a length of hose that runs under the caravan and up in to the kitchen tap.
The existing micro switches in the taps will switch the new external pump on and off.
As for not wanting to trundle an aquaroll across the site, I wonder how an internal tank is filled?
2007 Triton 430GT - Seat Ateca 1.4TSI petrol manual

RE: Adding a water Supply
in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Fri Jun 10, 2022 8:43 amby Ray Lawrence •

I also carried out a further modification to save the tap micro switches by fitting a relay. I fitted the relay in a small plastic box with an illuminated isolating switch.
The switch enables me to isolate the supply to the pump during shutdowns and also provides a gentle light within the washroom for a night time wee!
2007 Triton 430GT - Seat Ateca 1.4TSI petrol manual

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