Chris (Campnsnooze)
This morning we woke up to read a in message from Keith (Campnsnooze) of the very sad news that his dear wife Christine passed away at 8:30am today.
Chris was struck down with a brain tumour in January last year in Tenerife while the couple were on a cruise ship heading for Brazil and the past year has been very stressful with Keith devoting all his time to looking after her.
Chris and Keith have been very good friends to us and to many others on this Forum and Facebook with Chris especially, helping out in all the Eriba Meets. She was famous for her spread sheets, cream teas, badge selling and large quantities of books she used to give away at the meets. A very beautiful person in all aspects.
Very few people including us, were aware of the decades of work Chris dedicated to the Bournemouth HIV Helpline charity that she set up and ran.
Keith phoned us a short while ago and we had a long conversation about all the good times as well as the recent sad times. I’m sure everyone will join us in sending our love to Keith.
chris and Keith.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
R and A x