Well found Nev. But what about this on page 33?
Mains Module
The PMS4 is designed to operate on a moins supply ol 207 -
253 volts ac (making it ideal for use with low continental voltages).
The 40 amp RCD (Residual Current Device) gives protection
agoinst earth faults and also acts as the main switch. The mains
module also has three MCBt (Miniature Circuit Breakers) which
are basically resetable mains fuses, to protect against overcurrent.
Allocotion of the MCB's is as follows:
MCBI - SocketOutlets
MCB2 - Fridge, (Truma Ultrastore if fitted)
MCB3 (if finedl - (exrra Skt. ;f fined)
Could this be the culprit? Basically resetable mains fuses (if they can be found?) or are these the three switches you are referring to and could that be a re-set button seen on the picture, below the three switches?