RE: Responses to Eribafolk Year End Report, 2015
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:25 pmby PooleDweller •

I think the Forum from its organisation, the ease at which topics that interest an individual can be accessed, the way its policed by the Admin and moderators and the controls on accessabilitity is excellent. Being able to access the myriad of interesting information on this website for free for those interested in Eribas is commendable - which begs the question where did all this information come from! For those of us who enjoy the forum and the banter that goes on and have the access to ask or answer questions or use it to contact the many friends made is what makes the forum tick. I am sure those who financed the forum from the beginning did not expect the forum to be so successful and it is to them that we all have to say a big thankyou. But obviously with success comes expense.
As has been said earlier the first years expenses were met personally, the second year has been met with sales of stickers, banners and donations and that that has a limited effect - we don't buy stickers every year. So now, in future, every year the Administrators have to come up with ever more inventive ways to create funds to pay the rising fees that increasing use of the web site brings, the web site grows the controls take even longer to administrate and the people doing the work loose out on their own Eriba time. Doesn't sound right to me.
What we don't know is what the website costs are and how fast they are rising or what the projected usage may be but it is obvious due to increased access the website cost needs to be addressed. For example do guests cause a website charge or is this charge made to registered users only?
The problem these days is transparency where money is concerned - where it comes from how its spent and what's left over year by year. That means a more formal 'EribaFolk Club' with officers and all the rigmarole that brings which is probably not the way the administrators want to go, after all there is an Eriba Club. Do we want an EribaFolk Club that could own the website for example. Also, how long do the current 'owners' of the website intend to run the website and how do they see its future. Is this a website that will eventually be run by a management committee for example - afterall Eribas do last a long time.
So the question is how to run a website without advertising revenue. The primary options are donations, subscription or fund raising. Donations rely on a persons conscience, subscriptions may deter people from joining and fund raising is mainly dependent on whether or not people like specific merchandise and who funds the merchandise.
Meets are a way to raise money. We went on the recent Netley meet, our first Eriba meet, which we enjoyed immensely, and while we were happy to pay the cost of the Fish and Chip supper which was delivered to the site, due to circumstances, the full price was reduced. I was one who suggested 'why not give the money to the funding of the website'. So for example, why not have an 'EribaFolk' meet fee, say £5 per van - 20 vans per meet £100 to the kitty, or if this is too much 50p per night per van. Having attended numerous motorhome rallies over the years a rally always attracted a rally fee for 'club funds'. With the forum growing I would like to think that eventually a number of meets would be arranged each year and could become a source of income..
I would be willing to pay a yearly donation and the size of that donation could be determined on a yearly basis but what happens if people don't donate? I believe a yearly subscription to access the full extent of the website should be explored for the future. Perhaps those who access the website for the first time should be more restricted in what they see but should be 'tempted' enough to want to subscribe to have full access.
Just a few thoughts, Rob

RE: Responses to Eribafolk Year End Report, 2015
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:10 amby hampshireman (deleted)

Wise and considered words Rob.We did chat about it at Netley. I am sure the Mis-Management will take that aboard.
As for a meet/rally fee, the difficulty would be who collects and administers it. You will remember my sore wrists telling you about after I organised my 1st meet for another forum.
Puck 225L pushing CMax 1.9TDI Ghia
Pepe's Walk

RE: Responses to Eribafolk Year End Report, 2015
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:45 amby Billabus (deleted)

I would like to thank all those involved in organising the Forum and how much I enjoy it. A lot of time and effort is needed to maintain a forum and the work of the administrators and moderators is very much appreciated.

RE: Responses to Eribafolk Year End Report, 2015
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:14 pmby Journeyers55 (deleted)

Big thank you to the administrators and moderators who make this brilliant forum possible .we would be more than happy to make a donation or pay a fee to support their hard work ,we have had a lot of help and advice from members before we became eriba owners with out their support we would still be dithering on the side lines missing out on the fun
Caz and Paul
1996 Eriba Triton 410 & Misubishi pinin 1.8

RE: Responses to Eribafolk Year End Report, 2015
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:04 pmby Aaron Calder •

First of all, we would like to express our most sincere thanks to all who took the trouble to air their views regarding the forum and how it is run and financed. We read them all with interest and your positive and enthusiastic comments were very much appreciated. The fact that you seem to be enjoying using the forum is reward in itself for the time and effort that we put into running it.
Here's some good news. Having looked at the potential forum hosting charges, both for fewer than and for more than 500 members (we are still hovering around the trigger point for the higher rate), we will be able to meet them for the coming year from sticker sales receipts and unsolicited donations from members.
Not only that, we also anticipate having a small surplus to carry forward towards the fees that will fall due in November 2016 so the amount that we will need to raise for 2016-17 should be quite modest.
When we have paid our dues early next month and have a better idea of how much we will need to raise, we will report back with our proposals.
Thanks again, everyone.
The Admin Team
(Randa france; Aaron Calder; Frantone; Pepe le Pew and hob)
Forum Administrator
2003 Triton 420 and Audi A4 2.0Tfsi S-line SE Cabriolet

RE: Responses to Eribafolk Year End Report, 2015
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:26 pmby hampshireman (deleted)

Smashing news and keep us posted as always team.
BTW 5 super chiefs is enough for one tribe IMHO
Puck 225L pushing CMax 1.9TDI Ghia
Pepe's Walk

RE: Responses to Eribafolk Year End Report, 2015
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:26 pmby Old Rocker •

Troll 530, Saab 9.3 sportswagon
Now all he believes are his eyes, and his eyes they just tell him lies

RE: Responses to Eribafolk Year End Report, 2015
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:40 amby Eribear (deleted)

it's a great forum...thanks for all your hard work in making it so

RE: Responses to Eribafolk Year End Report, 2015
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:25 pmby F. Ramos (deleted)

Hello everyone
In this forum I have learned a lot and I've been greatly helped.
I met wonderful people.
because of my current job, I do not come here often, but you can count on me to help whatever it takes, with time or with some funding.
I was helped, we must help others and help this forum grow even more
Thank you all
Eriba Touring Pan Family 1989 / Lisbon - Portugal

RE: Responses to Eribafolk Year End Report, 2015
in Anything that's not Eriba-related. Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:53 pmby Islay Corbel (deleted)

Well, I'm new but you can tell when a forum is a group of great people or not, and this is deffo a keeper! We count on you for help and advice as we're complete caravan novices. I would happily pay a fee if necessary.

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