As we seem to have had a lot of newbies joining us recently, I thought it appropriate once again to offer the pre-departure checklist that I have cobbled together over the past five years to help me avoid making an even bigger fool of myself. And it works.
No matter how careful you are, unless you adopt a strict routine for every time you hitch up car and caravan you WILL occasionally drop a clanger. I'm sure most of us will admit to driving off with the jockey wheel down or with the motor mover rollers still engaged, without fitting the breakaway cable or even without plugging in the electrics. Most times you will quickly realise that something is wrong and get away with it without causing serious damage but one day you might not be so lucky.
I keep a copy of my list in the door of the caravan in a plastic folder and check it every time before moving off. Please note that the list is adapted to my own personal circumstances so please feel free to delete anything that doesn't apply to you and your outfit and to add anything else that you feel is important.