There we were, thought everything was going swimmingly, I'd been up to Scotland, collected my 88 year old father and my younger son from Edinburgh University and brought them home to Cornwall, the Eriba had been issued with new wheel chocks to save the hand brake, all presents purchased and wrapped, all festive food loaded into the fridge ready for the big day 11.15 pm on Xmas eve one of our two German Shepherd dogs, Bella, died! Until about 9pm she had been fine, she came into the living room and plonked herself down in front of the wood burner, she then had some difficulty getting up as she followed SWMBO into the kitchen, where she collapsed, her breathing was laboured but she didn't seem to be in any pain, she was old, 12, which is a good age for a large dog, and we thought that she would probably be ok in the morning, but it quickly became obvious that she was dying, and she left us at 11.15 pm with all the family beside her.
So first thing tomorrow we will bury her in our top field where she loved to play. A sad start to Xmas but she didn't suffer and it was quick with all her loving family with her, I hope I go the same way!
Sorry if this has upset anyone but I needed to share, please all have a very merry Xmas and a very happy new year, looking forward to seeing you all at the Spring meet.