Hi Guys,
SWMBO has gone and bought a 1992 Eriba Car that she intends to restore (for she read me!
I'm going to do the more technical stuff and Laura will do the cosmetics.
I've started a blog with a bit more info but what I'd like to do is post any specific queries/problems we may have and hopefully you guys may be able to help or point us in the right direction for more info.
Right, query for today. There is a rather nice Eriba badged electrical switch/meter unit mounted above the wardrobe, trouble is that it is dead. I have taken it off and have found that + side (blue + brown -) of a twin cable is a disconnected. The cable has 12v on it. There are a number of unused connections but which one do I reconnect the cable to?
IMG_0721.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
The disconnected cable is the one with the black sheath on it, doesn't look original.
IMG_0722.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
Does anyone have a circuit diagram for this unit or can anyone suggest where I can get one? I have the original manual (French) and the english translation but no circuit diagrams, just how the unit is supposed to work.