Coiled EHU Cable
Coiled EHU Cable
in Anything Eriba-related Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:22 pmby Randa france •

Shared from our Eribafolk Facebook Group:-
Jonathan Hargreaves Just to say unwind your 240v cable fully please! Using it coiled like that EMF (electro magnetic flux) will cause it to overheat and possibly cause a fire!
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RE: Coiled EHU Cable
in Anything Eriba-related Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:53 pmby Pepé Le Pew •

RE: Coiled EHU Cable
in Anything Eriba-related Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:59 amby hampshireman (deleted)

I've tried the various means of recoiling the cable, but it always gets twisted the wrong way now so lots of knitting to unravel before hooking up. I usually uncoil the cable fully and lay it out full length on site, finding that air and light soften it sufficiently to recoil it neatly, but even that doesn't work these days. We only have a small locker and that's full, so getting a reel and storing that would be a problem unless in the boot or inside the van.
No get a bigger van comments please>
Puck 225L pushing CMax 1.9TDI Ghia

Get a bigger car? 😂
It might be worth having 2 shorter ones instead of a long one. Less tangling because on many sites the standard cable is too long.
Troll gently nudging up against Galaxy.

RE: Coiled EHU Cable
in Anything Eriba-related Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:59 amby Aaron Calder •

There is a right and a wrong way of stowing a cable. The correct way that is used by electrical engineers does work if you always use the technique in the same direction and sequence. (I think Rodders/Crow passed this on some time ago).
What you do is to disconnect the cable and then always working in the same direction, hold the end of cable in one hand and push the other hand along the cable with the thumb pointing in the direction of travel on top of the cable and then bring this loop back to be held in the other hand. For the next loop you push the hand along the cable but with the thumb pointing away from the direction of travel. Each loop then coils up naturally.
You then alternate the grip on the cable sequentially along the length of the cable and this causes it to coil without kinking (well, that's the theory anyway.) It certainly works with a warm pliable cable and provided you always start at the same end (caravan or supply).
If this doesn't seem to make sense, have a go and all will become clear.
Forum Administrator
2003 Triton 420 and Audi A4 2.0Tfsi S-line SE Cabriolet

RE: Coiled EHU Cable
in Anything Eriba-related Sun Jul 23, 2017 12:10 pmby highmiler •

Years ago when I worked as a lighting technician in the theatre this was the first thing we were taught to do, very well explained by Mr Calder above. I have a heavy duty supermarket bag that we keep the cable in, and we also keep a large rag in there and when it gets coiled I clean the cable with the coiling hand,
with the rag as it is coiled. I always plug into the van first and if there is too much cable, run it past the hook up and then back again, and never leave a coil in between. This year after the spring meet I had to change the plug on the caravan input end, the screws that tightened onto one of the terminals was threaded
and had been arcing , so I changed this and the main socket on the van, it was quite an easy job and all was soon working properly again and looked better on
my 2001 'van. FYI this year was the first time I have had to use a European two pin adapter to plug in.Hopefully as sites generally improve their hook ups
these things are standardised.
This site is a constant mine of info, one of the things I have realised lately is that although I have a spare wheel under the van, I don't have the correct studs to
use with it, Jandi here i come!
Highmiler.Troll 530GT and Skoda 2.0 TDi

RE: Coiled EHU Cable
in Anything Eriba-related Sun Jul 23, 2017 12:28 pmby Pepé Le Pew •

Copied from one of my other topics about a year ago.
Almost every site I go to these days the hookup point is less than 10 m away and I get more and more fed up having to reel out and lay out behind the van my standard 25 m hookup cable, and dry it then reel it all up again at the end.
So today wallet in hand I set off to the local caravan shop to buy a 10 m one,the reply when I got there was sorry sir we only stock the standard 25 m one.
Hanging above them were spare plugs and socketsso I bought one of each. Back home I roughly measured 10 m and chopped the end off put a plug on one bit and a socket on the other (make sure you get that the right way round)
So now I have 2 leads one 10m the other 15m if I need to I can plug them together to get my 25m back, plug and socket were 3 quid each so a lot cheaper than another lead would be and I dont have the added weight of another 10 m of cable to carry in the triton.
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I have only used one of them in the past year I think the other one is under a seat somewhere?
A shorter cable is easier to coil and uncoil and lay out behind the van.
one of the last jobs before leaving site is to unplug and coil up..... one of the first jobs on arrival is to plug in to keep the fridge cool so I don't bother storing it ........ when in transit it lives on the floor between the dinette seats just inside the door where it is easily reachable.
Vauxhall Insignia Sri 1.8 petrol 2015 towing 2006 Triton 430 import
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RE: Coiled EHU Cable
in Anything Eriba-related Sun Jul 23, 2017 3:59 pmby Pepé Le Pew •

Just remember, if your EHU does gets too hot and bursts into flames, for heaven's sake don't wee on it to put it out.
Turn the power off, distract the attention of fellow campers by pointing the other way and shouting "Look, an eagle", then pick it up by the longest end and sling it over the nearest hedge.

For old codgers like me who left school before everything went metric
25 m = 82 feet
10 m = 33 feet
How often are you likely to be 80 feet away from a hookup on an electric pitch?
My 10 m or 33 foot one has reached easily on my last 6 sites.
Vauxhall Insignia Sri 1.8 petrol 2015 towing 2006 Triton 430 import
Forum moderator

RE: Coiled EHU Cable
in Anything Eriba-related Sun Jul 23, 2017 8:27 pmby highmiler •

RE: Coiled EHU Cable
in Anything Eriba-related Mon Jul 24, 2017 11:32 amby Aaron Calder •

Quote: hampshireman wrote in post #9I wonder if we started with a new cable, Derek, and always coiled it in the same direction and sequence it would work better?
Thanks all and Brian that system works for a time, then doesn't
It could be that a well-used cable has already 'set' into a pattern of kinks that it may not be possible to eliminate.
Forum Administrator
2003 Triton 420 and Audi A4 2.0Tfsi S-line SE Cabriolet

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