Please forgive us for perhaps re-visiting the history of the Eriba Touring but we've just found some more of the same information here although this history is about 7 years out of date as Cerney closed in 2010 :- Eriba History We particularly though it would make interesting reading for some of our newer members.
This forum is littered with interesting reading about the development of our beloved vans including this :- Last Days at Cernay. ( Cerney was the French factory that manufactured the Eriba between 1972 and 2010).
Since 2010 a couple of the original workers at Cerney have opened a new Eriba repair and service workshop on the site of the old factory.
Steamdrivenandy's "A gentle Kiss on the Forehead" is also worth a read :- ERIBA LIVING (a gentle kiss on the forehead) ( Come on Andy, time for an up-date?
...and here's the 1957 Prototype of the Eriba Troll :- 1957-Troll-Prototype.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)