There are examples of overpricing all over the place these days. Firms don't seem to work on cost plus a standard margin, just 'up the price 'til none sell' which to me is a daft strategy.
We have a similar stupid situation locally on new houses. On the site of an old coaching inn a builder has erected five large properties. The site went through several changes of ownership and several planning approvals before eventually settling at the final result. The builder said he needed five big houses in order to make any profit. As it is the houses have been squeezed together so that some have no real garden and a couple are right next to a busy A road with only a few feet of footpath between them and traffic.
The houses have bee finished for almost a year and only one has sold. If the builder had chosen to erect three or four, with decent gardens, he could've charged a premium and sold them immediately. Now he has masses of money tied up in unsellable property, unless he discounts severely. Either way he's probably on the way to a loss. A short sighted builder. Good at erecting houses but terrible at business.