Hi - Don't know if anyone can help us with this. We recently became very proud Eriba owners, with a 2017 Eriba Familia GT (Beautiful!!) It came with an Omnistor 2000 awning - small, but hopefully will be OK. The problem is that we cannot figure out how to get the legs to stay up. They come out in 3 sections, and the first 'extension' is secured with one of those 'ball' catches, which is fine. However, the second extension does not have any 'catch' that we can see, and the poles just slide up and down and basically the only way we can keep them up is to poke a screw into the hole. Is there a part missing - or is there something WE are missing? Maybe a clip? I've contacted Thule but they are closed till 12 August on annual holiday. We can manage but it would be good to know if we've got something wrong. IMG_2580.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)