
Still freezing in Alberta: Truma 3002S Furnace

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:49 pm
by Roaming in the Rockies (deleted)

It's been 2 summers now since our Truma 3002S furnace stopped working (too busy camping in our amazing little 1983 Eriba Triton to get it fixed!).

This is the year I hope!

It worked great when we acquired it, and then the 30 year old penlight batteries started to slow down on the automatic starter. I changed the batteries, and now only the orange light goes on, no sparking, no sound or smell of gas whooshing, nothing.

However, it seems that trailer furnaces in Canada are nowhere near as elegant as the Truma 3002S furnace and there is a lot of head scratching by North American trailer repair and gas appliance stores with a 'well, we can give it a go'...at prices that rival the cost of the whole trailer.

In the age of ZOOM I am wondering are there any UK repair shops that wouldn't mind a quick discussion to help us out and buy some parts from them to do the repair. We really need to talk with someone who knows how these work, or have them talk with a repair person here. We are even considering if its possible to purchase a refurbished 3002S furnace and ship it over to Canada for installation.

If anyone has any contacts or suggestions, we would be most appreciative!

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RE: Still freezing in Alberta: Truma 3002S Furnace

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:42 pm
by campnsnooze (deleted)

Hiya and welcome....love your part of the world.

Sorry, but can't help you with how these things run, but no doubt someone on here will know. I did find a list of parts for your heater, so not sure if this will help...


Also, frequently answered questions here. Maybe an email to them might help...........

Good luck, Chris

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RE: Still freezing in Alberta: Truma 3002S Furnace

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:03 pm
by Roaming in the Rockies (deleted)

Thank you very much Chris. We are one of only 2 other imported caravans that I know of in Alberta. There are a LOT of trailers here, but none quite as iconic (in our opinion!) as the Eribas! Thank you for the links. Its amazing even with extensive google searches I can still miss things. The parts diagram will be quite helpful! Rich.

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RE: Still freezing in Alberta: Truma 3002S Furnace

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:17 am
by marmite (deleted)

Would John England be able to help? I know he's the fount of almost all knowledge Eribawise but I don't know about the gas situation and he's bound to be very very busy.

Denise & Phil

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RE: Still freezing in Alberta: Truma 3002S Furnace

in Improving your pride and joy and how to fix things Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:07 pm
by Steamdrivenandy | 1.071 Posts

From the description it sounds like the spark ignition isn't working and therefore the whole thing isn't getting past first base.

Basically, if you hear the clicking then it's likely to be sparking, if you don't hear it it likely isn't and there'd be a fault in the ignition system, if the battery is good. Check the battery is good and clean the contacts in the battery box, ensuring they do actually make sound contact. Then check the wire connections from the battery box to spark generator. Also check any cabinet connectors that actually operate the igniter are engaged and working.

The igniter should light the pilot jet.

The pilot jet flame warms the thermocouple and once hot enough it allows the gas valve to open and the flow of gas ignites from the pilot. So if the pilot ignites, but the gas valve won't open, it's generally either a faulty thermocouple or gas valve.

I had nothing to do on this hot afternoon
But to settle down and write you a line

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