As a mod on Caravan Talk this issue has been discussed forever. Usually raised by someone new to caravanning who has purchased a van at great distance from home, only to discover their local dealerships won't touch it. Their expectation is that the caravan industry is the same as the automobile industry and they don't allow for the fact that car company turnovers are measured in £bn's when most caravan company's turnover the odd few £m if they're lucky. No matter what the manufacturers say, the caravan dealers are individual businesses and will do what they consider is best for them and their customers. One other aspect that we've not mentioned is that if, in servicing a caravan, it's found that warranty work is required the hourly rate paid by manufacturers is much lower than the hourly rate charged to customers. So if the van in question is 'a foreigner' the dealer will find themselves using workshop hours for very little return which could have been earning them much more.