if you type various combinations of Soplair, Frame, Awning, Instructions, Diagram etc into the search bar you should eventually find what you need.
This may be a starting point for you. awning
From memory of owing a Soplair nearly 8 year ago:-
- close all windows on awning side, front and back of van.
- slide awning fabric into rail and throw canvas up onto the van roof..
- lay out the three roof rails at 90' to the van with the hooky bits nearest the van.
- about 6ft away and parallel to the van assemble front frame and fold the legs back at the mid point.
- sit the short stubby pole vertically into the mind mounting point on your awning rail and work towards front and back of the van with the rest of these frame parts.
- hook the end of the roof rails through the fittings on the van front and back and twist/lock the other ends into your front frame that should now appear to be kneeling on the ground.
- twist and lock the ridge pole into the top of the stubby pole fitting and the other end into the front frame.
- fold canvas over frame.
- extend all poles to take up slack in canvas.
- peg down working away from van
- re-tension.
Best of luck. Allow an hr for first attempt and you should get it down to about 20 minutes with practice.