This is an unfortunately common occurrence on newer Eribas, a result of the cheap hinges and low density plywood used. If you use the search facility this has been covered in some detail and as mentioned above a matchstick and spot of glue does a good job.
On our van I removed the top cupboard doors, re-countersunk the holes in the hinges a little deeper and replaced the screws with the next length up and a spot of PVA wood glue. I did not use Araldite (epoxy resin) as I believe the moisture in the PVA swells the wood and along with the chemical properties of any cured glue helps with the bond. Since this remedial work a couple of years ago all has been well. I do however carry Araldite for emergency repairs while away and have used this on the hob screws, the stay on the hinged top of the seat just inside the door and bathroom door.