
Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Mon Mar 28, 2022 11:15 pm
by Ronnie | 68 Posts

This time last year we took out our 1st insurance policy with Saga Insurance. I wanted a policy that whilst towing if I hit something with the van I could make a claim, I found that not all insurance companies do this. Moving on to renewal time with Saga and discussing the details with the agent I have now been told that if my Eriba had been stolen last year, I would not have been covered. The reason for this is my fault in assuming the wheel clamp I got from the previous owner of my Eriba was sufficient for theft cover but it isn’t. I do think the agent I spoke to last year should have been more specific rather than just ask the question “ do you have a wheel clamp or hitch lock?” The question should be “ do you have a wheel clamp or hitch lock that is approved by us?” Saga require either a hitch lock or wheel clamp that is approved on the Sold Secure website and if it’s not on that website then that can invalidate a claim. I’ve renewed the policy and bought an approved hitch lock, they agreed to give me a loyalty discount and also an additional discount for being a C&MH club member. Lesson learned today, even though they do state “a wheel clamp or hitch lock that is approved by us” you need to ring them up and find out what is “ approved by us”.

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RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Mar 29, 2022 12:11 am
by Julie Grafo | 3.588 Posts

Good point. I’m insured with Saga. I asked that question, they said as long as it had both devices fitted it didn’t matter what make they were. I need to clarify this and get someone’s name recorded to make sure there’s no argument. Or I need to buy new wheel clamp and hitch lock. Phone call tomorrow methinks.

Julie & Neil. 2008 530GT pushing Honda CR-V 1.6 iDTEC SE+
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RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Mar 29, 2022 8:47 am
by Randa france | 13.353 Posts

And the beat goes on.

I'm so fed up with UK Insurance Companies demanding this and that. From cats to caravans, it would appear that the easiest negotiation is to take your money and then put as many reasons why they shouldn't pay out if you make a claim. Our friends in Europe laugh at we Brits when they see us with wheel locks, hitch locks etc as they used to in the days when we were the only Europeans who carried steering wheel and handbrake locks in our cars as part of the deal to get insurance.

Perhaps Saga would also like we caravanners to carry a shovel, a post and a bag of ready mix on board so that we can construct a ground anchor point at every campsite we visit?

In recent years, we've been pushed around by various Insurance Companies who we though we were safe with because we didn't read the small print properly where it states that you van has to be CRis registered and we need to produce a current annual service document. Yes, that included Saga and LV. Both came to light when we asked the question as a result of other owners tipping us off.


ERIBAFOLK POP UP EVERYWHERE 1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match . FORUM ADMINISTRATOR
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RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:04 am
by Captain Calamity | 363 Posts

I pay Ripe Caravan Insurance (underwritten by Aviva) around £200 per year for UK and European cover, new for old, on a 2017 van. The policy requires a wheel clamp and hitchlock when parked but does not specify which. I checked and my Milenco locks are acceptable. You do have to “maintain” the caravan in a good state of repair and CRis registration is not required.

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RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:26 am
by Ronnie | 68 Posts

Randa, according to Saga annual servicing is only required on a new for old policy. It was one of the questions I asked yesterday, as it happens I will ask this question again later in the year. I have his name just in case!

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RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:35 am
by rs540 | 262 Posts

In view of this I've just checked my Saga policy documents which state the following -

1. At least ONE approved fully operational security device must be fitted when the van is left unattended and unhitched.

My Nemesis wheel lock does not appear on the Sold Secure website but the Al-ko hitch lock for the AKS3004 is listed. As I always fit both then it shouldn't be a problem. However, the policy does not actually mention Sold Secure, only that the security device must be approved by Saga therefore a phone call is required for clarification followed hopefully by a policy endorsement in writing.

2. The policy specifies the Serial/Chassis/CRIS/VIN number which in my case is the chassis number. Nowhere does it state that CRIS registration is mandatory.

3. An annual service is only required when 'new-for-old' cover applies and the van is more than 5 years old.

Roger is right when he points out that insurance companies rarely follow the 'spirit' of the intended cover and use all sorts of chicanery to give themselves a get-out clause...

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RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Mar 29, 2022 10:21 am
by Pepé Le Pew | 2.758 Posts

Quote: Randa france wrote in post #3
Perhaps Saga would also like we caravanners to carry a shovel, a post and a bag of ready mix on board so that we can construct a ground anchor point at every campsite we visit?

If it helps, you don't need to take a shovel. Just take a hole.

Taking a hole not only means you have somewhere to put the post and the bag of ready mix en route, but since you use everything, you don't have to bring anything back.


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RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Mar 29, 2022 1:50 pm
by Julie Grafo | 3.588 Posts

Spoken to Saga this morning. As we’re taking names it was Amanda. One device approved by the underwriters, check www.soldsecure.com. Servicing is not an issue until the van is 20 years old and then you will be notified by an endorsement on your policy. The wording in the schedule is “You must keep and maintain your caravan in a roadworthy condition”.
So just need to find out what’ make the hitchlock is, we do have an Alko one, oddly enough it fitted the previous van hitch but not this one although it’s the same hitch 🤔

Julie & Neil. 2008 530GT pushing Honda CR-V 1.6 iDTEC SE+
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RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Mar 29, 2022 2:08 pm
by Randa france | 13.353 Posts

If you remember Julie, we went with Saga as a result of the professional way they dealt with your accident in Germany and likewise how they dealt with the Eribanaut's accident in Italy.

The first year we were with them everything was fine but when we had our renewal (perhaps two years ago now), the comments about up to date servicing and CRis registration came up. I did make the point that an Eriba that only does a few thousand miles a year tops, doesn't need an annual service but they were adamant.

As our van is over 20 years old, we were not on a new for old policy but had agreed a valuation on the van and contents.

We had to leave Saga and get "Cover 4 Caravans" to find a suitable Insurance Company, in our case Zenith.


ERIBAFOLK POP UP EVERYWHERE 1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match . FORUM ADMINISTRATOR

Last edited Tue Mar 29, 2022 2:12 pm | Scroll up


RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Mar 29, 2022 4:48 pm
by Julie Grafo | 3.588 Posts

I’ve done some investigating and it would appear the hitch lock we use is not approved. So we have options:-
1. Change insurance company, I’m unwilling to do that as they were so good after our accident.
2. Buy an approved hitch lock.
3. Find out why the Alko hitch lock fitted our previous van but won’t fit this one despite it being the same Alko hitch 🤔. If it fitted it would be fine as it’s approved.

Funnily enough Cris registration has never come up, good job too as it’s not registered. Our first van was but not the last two.

Julie & Neil. 2008 530GT pushing Honda CR-V 1.6 iDTEC SE+

Last edited Tue Mar 29, 2022 4:49 pm | Scroll up


RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:51 pm
by eribanaut | 1.228 Posts

I have the same trouble, even though I could get it on the last van but Bunny can get it on no trouble, it also fits the 3004 hitch.

Skoda Kodiaq 2.0 150 Tdi DSG Troll 552 - 2005
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RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Tue Mar 29, 2022 8:36 pm
by Julie Grafo | 3.588 Posts

I haven’t looked at it but Neil tells me there’s a piece that goes in ( or it did on the other hitch) but on this one it’s solid so no where for the bit to go in. Don’t understand because it’s the same Alko hitch.

Julie & Neil. 2008 530GT pushing Honda CR-V 1.6 iDTEC SE+
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RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Wed Mar 30, 2022 9:54 am
by rambling robin (deleted)

Looking at the soldsecure site I am puzzled that the Milenco Wraith is listed but the PurpleLine Nemesis isn't - and yet they are the same thing! Hmmmm fishy?
Fortunately my Milenco clamp is on there.

Rather genteel 2004 Troll 540GT called Tilly pushing a couple of old fogies.
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RE: Insurance Renewal Saga

in Anything Eriba-related Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:31 am
by Stevejoyce (deleted)

I suspect that to be listed on the sold secure site costs a certain amount of money to cover the cost of the testing. They can't be suggesting that anything not listed on their site isn't secure enough as most locks have a Thatcham rating which is the same sort of thing. Fortunately our insurance just specifies that you have to have a hitch lock and either wheel lock or axle lock to be fitted when left unattended, and also state that there is no restrictions on which one is fitted. (Frank Pickles - thanks for the recommendation Colin).

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