Years of sea-going experience dictates that glasses travel best upside-down restrained [but not too tightly] by custom fiddles. Choose your preferred wine glass, in our case 8 oz, [Yes, we are p'heads] and tumbler and long Collins glasses and buy three times the number you need. Cut out the right size 'oles, and mount the 'oles about 30% of the inverted height of the most delicate glasses. [We went to a commercial caterers suppliers for 'strong' glasses about ten years ago and have most of them left] Saves making fancy stowages for glasses that break and can't be easily replaced, necessitating a new stowage job.
We have done the same for china mugs, our Pyrex plunger cafetierre and tea-pot, a stainless tea-pot rampaging round amongst your china can spoil the whole day!
Hope this helps,