
RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:16 am
by eribaMotters | 5.648 Posts

I believe the van is for sale. I was told by Lowdhams [posted earlier above] that it was too big for UK. I read this as being in width, but when I spoke to Red Lion Caravans who are opening as a new Eriba dealer I was told the issue with it was due to the length.


aka Oscar - Audi A3 1.5 petrol _ ex 430, 552, camplet trailer tent, 310, now a nice white 2017 430.

Last edited Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:41 am | Scroll up


RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:28 am
by Randa france | 13.363 Posts

Just screen grabbed the data from the video posted earlier. Can anyone translate it for us?

820.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)

I though that Airsteams were allowed on UK roads and a German guy on Facebook has just taken delivery of an 820 (the first I've heard of). He was an Airstream owner and states that this is narrower and shorter than his Airstream.

An ex Troll owner, he is using it to tow to winter break campsites rather than full on touring. He's towing it with a VW Touareg (all 2.8 tonnes of it).


ERIBAFOLK POP UP EVERYWHERE 1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match

Last edited Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:29 am | Scroll up


RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:32 pm
by Pepé Le Pew | 2.758 Posts

Quote: Randa france wrote in post #32
Just screen grabbed the data from the video posted earlier. Can anyone translate it for us?
It's all on here except for höchstzuladung, which is maximum payload.


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RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:35 pm
by Randa france | 13.363 Posts

Thanks Pete. That's better. I was dashing out so didn't have time to translate.

ERIBAFOLK POP UP EVERYWHERE 1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match
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RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:51 pm
by Pepé Le Pew | 2.758 Posts

Quote: Randa france wrote in post #34
I was dashing out....

That would explain the mask. Got to be careful with reflections


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RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:48 pm
by SOULBLUESMAN68 | 1.213 Posts

Today is the first that I have heard of the 820 and watching the video was interesting.

However for me it isn't really an Eriba Touring at all. Its a silver version of a big white box

For me the charm of the Eribas is in their small well-designed quirkiness. They use space brilliantly and are a bit like Dr Who's Tardis...........and come on there is no pop top

This could be something designed by Trump to be placed amongst the condos on one of his golf courses it is so oversized and garish.

Of course this is only my view - some of you may love it.


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RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:19 pm
by Randa france | 13.363 Posts

So, our German owner of the 820 is on the move. Some pics he posted recently.

Looks quite good on the campsite and certainly won't get bullied by those pesky big campervans

820.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)820 b gerald potz.jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)


ERIBAFOLK POP UP EVERYWHERE 1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match
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RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:08 pm
by robert wilson (deleted)

So, just to recap . Would this model be legal to tow in the uk, bearing in mind you would require a large car to tow it ?

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RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:19 pm
by Randa france | 13.363 Posts

Well, looking at the attached specifications Robert, no, but only by 80mm which to me is a bit daft. Surely Hymer would have overcome that?


Body length 7080mm.

Width and length
The maximum trailer width for any towing vehicle is 2.55 metres.
The maximum length for a trailer towed by a vehicle weighing up to 3,500kg is 7 metres.
This length does not include the A-frame.

Nothing a lump hammer couldn't fix


ERIBAFOLK POP UP EVERYWHERE 1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match

Last edited Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:22 pm | Scroll up


RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:38 pm
by robert wilson (deleted)

Thats interesting . The body length of the Airstream Colorado which can be legally towed in the UK is stated to be 8.25 m presumably with the A-frame .Its internal length though is "only " 6.81 m . The Airstream Colorado is to be seen in the UK but thus far I've not seen the Eriba 820 . I'd love to have a look at it in the flesh . It's certainly opulent . The interior looks like a cocktail lounge . I guess finding a camp site willing to accommodate the beast would be quite a challenge though .

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RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:46 pm
by Bathchap | 52 Posts

The Airstream Colorado (previously called the 684 International and designed to meet European standards) has a body length of 6.8m and four berths, hence the nomenclature 684 and a shipping length i.e. including the external gas bottle store and A frame of 8.25m. I think the 80mm excess on the 820 has been accepted as one of the Hymer Design Team‘s biggest cockups ever within the industry, particularly as Hymer is now owned by Thor Industries which also own Airstream!

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RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:28 pm
by robert wilson (deleted)

Thank you for your reply Bathchap and well I never . You don't think of Hymer capable of ever making errors of this magnitude .

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RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:44 pm
by Randa france | 13.363 Posts

Bathchap:- Hymer Design Team‘s biggest cockups ever within the industry, particularly as Hymer is now owned by Thor Industries which also own Airstream!

Didn't that deal fall through about 18 months ago? Hence the reason why the American version of the Eriba Touring was shelved.



ERIBAFOLK POP UP EVERYWHERE 1999 Eriba Troll 530 pushing a VW Touran 2L TDi Match

Last edited Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:56 pm | Scroll up


RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Oct 17, 2020 8:03 pm
by Bathchap | 52 Posts

Only the previous North American offshoot of Hymer was excluded from the take over ( because of alleged local financial irregularities leaving many USA clients with trailers that had problems); the original European arm of the Hymer Group is now very definitely under the control of Thor Industries.

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RE: Eriba 820 Touring

in Anything Eriba-related Sat Oct 17, 2020 8:12 pm
by Bathchap | 52 Posts

If you carefully read Randa’s link you will see the only element excluded from the take over was Hymer North America, the remainder of the Hymer Group was acquired by Thor Industries.

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