in Anything that's not Eriba-related.
Sun Apr 05, 2020 1:17 am
Angie and Steve (deleted)
I was in the supermarket yesterday and I watched someone getting 15kg of paella rice, 20kg of tortilla flour, 5 cases of tequila, 8 sombreros and 12 piñatas. I thought to myself, Hispanic buying......
in Anything that's not Eriba-related.
Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:01 am
Angie and Steve (deleted)
I really like the jokes thread and in the past there have been some absolute classics on here
But.... and this is a tricky one; we all have phones and the amount of internet memes related to the virus out there at the moment is huge. These are not really jokes, yes they're funny but they are more like humorous pictures, cartoons if you like; they lack the structure and approach of a good joke and for me do not really belong in the same category. A good joke is something you can remember and tell to others in the pub. None of the recent picture type internet cut and paste stuff we are posting recently comes up to that standard.
So, what I would say is that we have different levels of communication available to us, forums are one thing and are word and conversation based thus suiting the traditional joke nicely. Pictures and internet memes belong to social media where they most certainly have their place and in that context are excellent.
Right, I've said my piece so I leave you with a nice little one liner... I had to go to the doctor about my seaweed addiction - my wife said I really must sea kelp